Leslie is on the news

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Liz and Criss are sitting in their living room talking about their days. Liz starts first and says, "Today I met this nice woman, Leslie and her husband Ben. Leslie was a little over dramatic but she seems like a nice and genuine person."
"I'm glad you met someone nice today. One of my customers threw a hot dog at me when I didn't put enough mustard on their hot dog. I didn't know how much they wanted so I just put on the regular amount. They should've told me!"
"That's funny because one guy refused to sell me hotdogs again."
"Liz you should know that people aren't normally going to sell you ten hotdogs at once."
"I only asked for seven this time!"
"I know that you love hotdogs but you should stop expecting people to agree to sell you that many hotdogs."
"Someone actually sold me all their hotdogs once."
"Really? When? And why? Why would someone sell you all of their hotdogs?" Criss is very surprised.
"I only bought all of them because someone cut in line at the stand. I then passed them out to the good people. Not the ones that cut in line! They don't deserve them!" Liz sits there with a geeky smile on her face.
"Wow, um, I'm gonna go check on the kids."
Criss gets up and leaves Liz by herself.
Liz pours herself more wine and turns on the TV to find a news story about Liz and Leslie.
The newsman says "Today Liz Lemon the head writer of Late Night with Tracy and Jenna got attacked by a strange woman."
"What the..."
Liz turns the volume up.
"It appears as if the woman was attacking her by falling on her."
"What! No. That is not what happened! Criss?"
Criss runs in.
"What! What happened?"
Criss looks at the TV and opens his mouth wide.
"Liz Lemon seems to be okay after the attack. Whoever attacked her better stop!" He starts crying. "I have a family. I don't want them getting attacked just trying to get home."
"Oh boy, what's his problem? Wait, who was attacking you? Why didn't you tell me?" Criss asks.
"No, she wasn't attacking me. She was just sad because she found out that TGS ended four years ago. And apparently this guy is sad about it too." Liz cringes.
"She didn't know that it had been ca-"
Liz interrupts Criss. "Apparently she doesn't watch the news because she doesn't like the sad stories. I don't know why they thought she was attacking me though."
"Well since she doesn't watch the news is there any way you can tell her about this?"
"She did give me her number but it was on a napkin I threw away here. We should be able to read it still."
Liz and Criss dig through the garbage and find the napkin.
Liz says with a disgusted face "Why is there toothpaste in the garbage?"
Criss grabs the napkin and wipes the toothpaste off of it.
"I can barely read it but I think I can still call her."
Liz grabs her phone and dials the number.
"Hi this is Leslie Knope, to whom am I speaking to?"
"Wow, fancy answer. Um, this is Liz Lemon."
Liz opens her mouth to speak again but Leslie talks first.
"Yes, hi Liz."
"I am calling to tell you that a picture of us got on the news."
"What! I'm on the news? I've only been here for one week and I'm already famous! This is awesome!!"
"No, Leslie, they said that you attacked me when you were just sad about TGS."
"Ben! I'm on the news!"
Ben yells back to Leslie "You are? Why?
"Because I attacked Liz Lemon."
"Wait, what?"
Liz chimes in to them yelling back and forth.
"No, Leslie it's not a good thing. We can't have people thinking that you just attacked me. You are not famous."
"Oh, so I'm not going to be famous?"
"No, Leslie, you are not going to be famous. Well at least not for a good reason."
"Wait so we're back on with me being famous?"
Liz is getting frustrated. "No! But I think we need to clear things up with the news people. The news show that reported this works in 30 Rock so tomorrow we can clear things up."
"Well I am going to be there to take another tour tomorrow so we can do it after that."
"Leslie, you don't have to go on a tour again."
"Fine, I wasn't really interested anyway when we took the first tour."
"Okay, you can meet me on the 38th floor where I work ."
Liz smiles.

Liz Lemon-Tina Fey
Leslie Knope-Amy Poehler
Criss Chros-James Mardsen
Ben Wyatt-Adam Scott
News reporter AKA Lewis Davis-Matthew Perry

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