A serious talk about shipping

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I have realized that the shipping community is super weird and not ok rn. I am a shipper myself, and as I am writing a shipping book I feel I should address this. So heres a lesson on shipping etiquette. Please read this. Our community need's this.


Lets begin with whats ok to ship and whats not ok to ship.

Shipping real people is plain disrespectful. But there are a few examples its ok in. One example is Smallishbeans and Ldshadowlady. They are married! So its fine, they are literally together. So it is not awkward for them. Another ship that's fine is dreamnotfound. They have both stated that they are fine with it. But a ship thats not ok is jaiden animations and odd ones out. they have both explained they are uncomfy with it.

Basically, if the people are ok with being shipped or are in a relationship its fine. If they are uncomfortable or have not stated there option on it, don't.

Now, on incest. For a start, its illegal. Even if its ficional, shipping people with there family is not ok. I know alot of people will say "But you ship bildip! You can't talk!"

Here's the thing. I very much disprove of shipping dipper when he's 12 and bill when he's like 10,000. If you read my bildip story, i have aged up dipper and aged down bill. This is how I ship it. That big of a age diffrence is also not the best, though not fully bad. But if ages are changed its fine

But incest is just a no-no. I mean seriously guys, get a grip. I keep trying to respect or even accept people ship these kinda things, but I can't. Not ok.


Now, about shipping wars. If someone ships something, let them! Let me clarify.

Now. I know I have just said what is not ok to ship. I stand by that. Shipping those things is NOT ok. But if someone is shipping that, just tell them. Tell them the people don't like it or that that kinda ship isn't ok. Or even just send them this.

But if its just a ship you don't like, don't hate on people. Let people ship whatever! I have gotten hate alot in youtube comments sections, for shipping bildip. That I semi understand. but i have also gotten hate for mabcifica? idk at this point.

TL:DR, Dont hate on ships. Its mean and just hurtful. Just let them know its not ok if its not ok, and otherwise move on.


That is all. Please listen to my lesson.




It makes me really sick I have to write this, but i do.

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