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Everyone appears in the room, very confused. Patty and Bill are in human form.


Wendy: Who the heck are you?

Dipper: B-Bill? WHY IS HE HERE??

Patty: Sorry, sorry. I need to give you your memories back.

Patty snaps her fingers, and a wave of memory passes over everyone.

Mabel: PATTY!!!

Patty: Hey guys!!!!!

Pacifica: Not that I'm not glad to be here, but why are we here?

Patty: The story hit 1k views!!

Bill: That's epic!!

Dipper: Story? What story?

Pacifica: Don't question it, there's no way they'll tell us.

Wendy: Lets just enjoy the moment.

Patty: Right, right. How have you guys been? Any Mabcifica action?

Mabel and Pacifica: NO!!

Bill: I- I destroyed gravity falls

Patty: Shut up Bill, I knew that. I had to bring you back from literally nothing for this.


Patty: Cool it Pinetree, I'll kill him again when this is one.

Bill: I hate you.

Patty: I know

Wendy: We missed you girl! Well, we would have if we remembered you.

Patty: Missed you too.

Mabel: What are we supposed to do?

Patty: Well, I brought you guys together again to announce a new reaction story!

Dipper: Reacting to what?

Patty: I'm not sure anyone will read it, but I'm gonna have you guys react to MCYT because its what I wanna write. I won't be there, a new oc will help. And you guys won't remember this.

Bill: Sounds fun enough!!

Patty: See you guys soon! Thank you all for 1k veiws!!

All: Bye!!!

Gravity Falls reacts to Ships.Where stories live. Discover now