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Patty: smirks

Bill: .....

Mabel:Why me?

Patty:Meh, the hetro's needed to take Bill back. I don't ship it.

Dipper: I swear, if that triangle freak ever touches me or my sister again I will punch him into tomorrow.

Patty: Jealous?

Bill: Remember what happened last time you tried to punch me?

Dipper: Ignoring Patty You made a hole in your face so I couldn't touch you. But may I remind you that you don't currently have your powers?

Mabel: I don't like this ship.

Pacifica: What do you mean by "the hetro's needed to take Bill back"??

Patty: You shall see, my little Lesbean.

Pacifica: What did you call me?

Wendy: What is even happening???

Patty: Moving on!

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