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Patty: I don't like this ship.

Dipper: blushing W-why?

Patty: Everyone I've ever seen who ships is, really hates Bildip and Mabcifica. The amount of hate, and even death threats, I've gotten from people who ship dipcifica is weird. Just because I say I ship Mabcifica or Bildip. Because "Dipcifica is cannon"

Mabel: What? Why?

Patty: I don't know. People can be toxic. Anyway, I'm rambling.

Pacifica: I guess this ship is ok.

Dipper: Y-ya! Its good! I mean perfect! I mean ok. I mean-

Bill: Omg Pinetree could you be any more obvious?

Wendy: laughing

Mabel: Oh. Ok wow. Didn't see this coming.

Pacifica: Dipper?

Dipper: That's me! What is it?

Pacifica: You ok?

Dipper: I'm fine! I'm good!

Bill: I feel betrayed.

Patty: Can we move on? Please?

Mabel: Oh, ya. Lets move on.

Patty: Thanks.


Yes, I was venting through Patty. But seriously, ship whatever. I didn't make up what Patty said, that's real story. Dipcifica can be toxic, which is why I haven't included it until now. Please let people ship whatever (as long as its not incest or real people who aren't ok with shipping, that's different). See you soon!

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