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Patty: This ship is surprisingly popular. Nobody ever talks about it, but so many people ship it. I am not one of those people.

Wendy: Its kind of weird.

Mabel: Agreed.

Pacifica: I can't say anything, can I.

Patty: Why can't you sat anything?


Bill: Cool it Llama

Pacifica: Your one to talk, Mr. I'm totally not in love with Dipper.

Dipper: What?!

Patty: Calm down! Were of topic!

Wendy: No no. I'm enjoying this.

Mabel: Same. I prefer this over Me and Wendy. Bleh.

Dipper: Hmph.

Pacifica: My point is, I don't like Mabel.

Bill: Hey Patty? Can you give me back my mind reading ability's?

Patty: Sure! Just for alittle!

Pacifica: WHAT?

Bill: Oh ya, she likes Mabel. Your turn Pinetree.

Dipper: HELL NO.

Patty: HELL YES.

Bill: laughting Maybe I won't reveal your thoughts to everyone else. But I know.

Dipper: I HATE YOU!

Bill: Ya right.

Patty: Lets move on!

Wendy and Mabel: Dying laughing

Pacifica: So Patty, when you removed his powers. Is he mortal?

Gravity Falls reacts to Ships.Where stories live. Discover now