I didn't ask

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Belle quickly stepped back, frowning in confusion. Why was Charlie Conway of all people here?

Charlie sat beside Guy "I've never been to one of these before" he smiled excitedly as he watched random dancers perform. Guy laughed at the other boy, he had been to more of his fair share of these competitions.

He looked at Charlie "so not to be rude, but why did you even ask me to come? District 5 hates Belle and Belle hates District 5" he spoke slightly confused.

Yesterday afternoon after his conversation with Annabelle Banks, Charlie Conway rushed to the house of Guy Germaine; He begged him to tell him when Belle's next competition was.

Guy informed him it was the next day and Charlie immediately invited himself to go with the boy, he woke up early, put on his nicest shirt and even attempted to comb his curly hair before he skated to Guy's to get a lift with the boy.

"We talked yesterday, it was nice" the boy smiled, ignoring the fact the girl snapped at him at the end of the conversation.

"She told me no one in her family comes to watch, I thought it might be nice. Besides, she won't even know I'm here" the boy shrugged. He was wrong though, Belle most definitely did know.

"I sit in the same row every competition, always row 12 no matter what venue, so she counts the rows so she can see me. I can guarantee she has looked and spotted us" Guy laughed

Charlie smiled as Belle's dance was called "Is she good?" he questioned excitedly as he snapped his attention to the stage. He wasn't sure what was considered good, Belle was only 9 after all.

Guy just laughed "Just shh and watch".

Belle took a final look out of the wings, eyes landing on Charlie and Guy once more who were quietly engaged in conversation watching the dancers.

She sighed as her eyes drifted back to the usual empty reserved seats. No one would come, they never did.

Suddenly her smile grew, sitting at the very end of the row, sat Adam Banks.

As if he had sibling senses he looked up, looking towards the wings, eyes landing on Belle, he sent her a small wave and smile.

The girl stepped back behind the curtain "he came" she whispered to herself, "he came" she repeated letting out a happy laugh.

A few moments later Belle's name was called, she quickly wiped the smile off of her face, getting into character as she walked onto the stage, bending into her beginning pose (the video at the top is the dance).

The girl performed her dance to the absolute best of her ability, it had to be perfect. Charlie and Adam both watched in shock as she effortlessly moved around the stage, flipping and spinning.

Belle's brother felt guilty, he'd never seen her dance before. She was clearly talented and it was unfair that no one had ever come to watch her. Their parents only cared about Hockey.

Charlie meanwhile felt his fascination with the girl grow, Guy nudged him and snickered, telling him to close his mouth before he caught flies.

The girl finished as claps and cheers erupted, exiting the stage with a grin on her face. Luckily for her, she was one of the last dances of the competition so awards would follow soon after. She had to win, Banks' didn't lose.

She sat on the stage as the top 10 was announced, her eyes landed on Guy and Charlie, she made direct eye contact with the latter, quickly looking away and turning her attention to the announcer.

"And your first place Junior, Annabelle Banks" the girl stood relieved, giggling as she heard her brothers voice over the crowd cheering and whistling, she was a little embarrassed but excited that she won for him.

Illicit Love | Charlie ConwayWhere stories live. Discover now