An unlikely Ally

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Belle Banks sat at the edge of the frozen lake, her frustration boiling beneath the surface. She had just stormed away from home, her heart heavy with resentment towards her older brother Adam. Their argument had been explosive, fueled by weeks of pent-up frustration. Adam, always siding with his hockey teammates from the Hawks, had once again chosen them over her. It stung, more than she cared to admit.

As she brooded by the lake, Belle heard footsteps approaching behind her. She stiffened, recognizing the voice that followed. It was Charlie Conway, the captain of the rival Ducks team – someone Belle considered more of a nuisance than a friend.

"What are you doing out here all alone, Belle?" Charlie's voice was curious, tinged with concern.

Belle rolled her eyes, not in the mood for his nosiness. "None of your business, Conway. Just leave me alone. Get out of here."

Charlie didn't seem deterred by her rudeness. "You look upset. Want to talk about it?"

Belle scoffed, turning away from him. "Like I'd tell you anything."

But Charlie was persistent, taking a few cautious steps closer. "Look, I know we're not best buds, but I can see you're hurting. Sometimes it helps to talk to someone. Atleast that's what my mom says,"

Belle hesitated, torn between her desire to keep her feelings to herself and the faint glimmer of curiosity about why Charlie cared. Finally, she let out a frustrated sigh.

"It's Adam," she admitted, her voice bitter with resentment. "He's always putting his stupid hockey team first, even when it means hurting his own sister. He's meant to be my bestfriend and I don't even know who he is anymore," she rambled.

Charlie listened quietly, his expression softening with understanding. "That sounds really tough. Must feel like you're fighting an uphill battle."

Belle shrugged, unwilling to let her guard down completely. "You have no idea."

But Charlie surprised her with his response, offering his presence as a silent source of support. "Maybe not, but I'm here if you need someone to listen."

Belle studied him warily, unsure of his motives. But something in Charlie's earnest expression made her want to believe him, if only for a moment.

"Thanks," she muttered, begrudgingly acknowledging his offer of support.

It was in that moment the girl realised what she had done; she had just shared a moment of vulnerability with Charlie Conway, the captain of the Ducks team, and now she regretted it. She didn't want anyone, especially not him, to see her in such a state.

As Belle stewed in her frustration, she caught sight of her Hawk teammates approaching in the distance. Panic gripped her – she couldn't let them see her with Charlie, especially after their recent argument. They'd surely do something harsh to the kind hearted boy.

With a surge of irritation, Belle turned to Charlie, her tone sharp.

"Charlie, you need to leave. Now," she snapped, her voice betraying her frustration.

Charlie blinked in surprise, clearly taken aback by her sudden hostility. "What? Why are you being so rude?"

Belle scowled, her patience wearing thin. "Just go, okay? I don't need you hanging around."

Charlie's expression darkened, hurt flashing in his eyes. "Fine, Belle. If that's how you want it."

With a huff, Charlie turned on his heel and stormed off, leaving Belle alone by the frozen lake. She watched him go, feeling a pang of guilt but pushing it aside. She couldn't afford to be distracted by him – not when her teammates were approaching.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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