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A.N Hi lovelies welcome to chapter 3 of my belle series please remember to vote and comment x

Belle skated alongside her hawks teammates, awkward silence in the air after their encounter with district five.

The girl still thought it was the funniest thing ever and had no hesitation letting out small snickers when the memory replayed in her mind.

"You know" the girl spoke clearing her throat "I for one thought laying in the trash suited you Dave, after all it must have been a nice family reunion" she smiled innocently.

"Shut up Belle" Dave grumbled whilst Alex and Adam did their best to hide their laughter.

"And you two" she spoke turning
to glare at the other two older boys "baaa" she whispered.

Alex and Adam exchanged looks as the girl folded her arms, she didn't mind the bullying on the ice, or if the district five team bothered them but in this case the poorer team was completely innocent.

"We are not sheep Belly" Adam defended as he looked at his sister, watching as she rolled her eyes.

"You are" Belle confirmed "A sheep is someone who mindlessly follows others, thats what you do Addy. Once you get a backbone life will be much easier and much more pleasant " she spoke calmly.

Adams jaw drop as he looked at the younger girl; her whole life she'd done what he said no questions asked; She was his sheep. But clearly no more.

"Who asked you anyways" he spoke annoyed that he had been called out "you're just a loser; that's why Mom and Dad don't go to those stupid competitions".

The girl felt hurt at her brothers words but she wasn't going to let that show, instead she skated closer to him reaching out and shoving him down before turning and skating away.

"Where are you going, it's getting dark you can't be out here alone" Adam called as he stood.

Lately Belle was getting whiplash at her brothers mood swings, she didn't turn around; she didn't speak she just threw a singular finger in the air that did all the talking for her.

"I'm telling Dad you used that finger" he called out.

"Snitches get snitches" The girl warned making Adam pout as he crossed his arms; despite her being younger and much smaller he was terrified of her.

McGill nudged Adam, motioning for him to follow; the boy looked between his friends and the disappearing figure of his sister and sighed, it was getting late he really should have stayed with her.

But alas; Adam Banks was a sheep and Dave McGill was his Shepard. So he went with his two Hawks friends.

Belle arrived at the frozen pond, smiling as she saw the familiar figure sitting alone.

"Hello Sunshine" she giggled, waving as the boy turned.

"Hello rain" Guy laughed as he made eye contact.

Belle playfully rolled her eyes at the boy, it had been a running joke between them for their entire friendship.

Guy was referred to as sunshine because he was bright and happy, he jokingly referred to Belle as rain because she was moody and cried a lot, atleast when they were little.

Now she'd formed a hardened shell that was almost impossible to crack; in fact no one had seen her cry in three years; she eventually learnt to bottle up and push away her feelings; no one cared after all.

"Here for the weekly skate I see; thought you forgot" Guy teased as the pair stepped out onto the ice.

Belle widened her eyes comically "I'd never forget my bestfriend" she stated placing a hand on her heart.

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