I didn't do it!

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A.N I backkkkk, sorry about the lack of Charlie in this, but I had to establish some things in this chapter. Please remember to vote and comment if you enjoy it.

"Get up, Annabelle, you're late. I'm leaving to take Adam now you can get the bus," Philip Banks spoke as he ripped the girl's blankets off of her harshly.

Belle was startled as she quickly opened her eyes, sitting up. "I can be ready in 10 minutes" she yawned. Her father simply shook his head at the girl. "I said get the bus", he spoke rudely, making the girl nod quickly.

Belle arrived in the Kitchen as Adam was frantically packing his bag "Morning Addy" she whispered, slowly walking to the toaster to make some toast for breakfast.

In Adams frantic rush to pack he clearly didn't hear her as he muttered a quick "crap". Philip looked up in confusion as Adam pulled a sheet out of his bag.

"I uh, I forgot to finish my homework last night, Hockey kept me busy. It's due after lunch" Adam spoke sheepishly.

"Here" Philip spoke, taking the sheet, "You've got an hour before the bus, do his homework and leave it on the bench, I'll take it to him later" he sneered, shoving the homework at his daughter.

"Daddy" Belle's voice spoke softly, she stopped as she saw his disgusted look "Sir" she rephrased "I'm not in 7th grade, I don't know if I know this yet" she whispered.

Phil shot the girl a dirty look making Belle anxiously grip the paper "I'll work it out" she spoke quickly.

Adam looked up at his dad "I can just take the late penalty, she doesn't have to do it for me" he spoke, sending his sister a small smile.

Phil ignored him "let's go Adam, cars running" he spoke. Adam sighed but nodded, following after the man "sorry belly" he whispered as he passed her.

The girl sighed defeated as she sat at the kitchen table, not even having time for breakfast as she rushed to complete her brother's homework "I don't know how to do this, Addy's going to get a bad score and Daddy's going to hit me" she whimpered to herself.

Quickly she took a deep breath "Don't cry Annabelle, you're smart, you can do it. It's only 20 questions" she spoke looking at the math worksheet.

By the time the girl finished the sheet she realised she only had 2 minutes until the bus came, frustratedly she threw her shoes on, not even having time to properly fix her hair or eat as she raced out the front door.

"Are you serious?" the girl spoke softly as she watched the bus drive off. The girl watched as her mom's car reversed out of the driveway, she was clearly on the way to work.

"Annabelle, why aren't you at school" the woman spoke angrily as she stopped the car beside her.

"I missed the bus mommy" Belle spoke softly, "Dad asked me to do Adams homework because he forgot and by the time I finished it was too late" the girl whispered.

Anne sighed, rubbing her temples "I'm sorry Mama" the girl apologised as she swallowed back tears.

"It's okay darling, your father should have taken you, I have some time, Come on" the woman smiled making Belle breathe a sigh of relief as she scrambled to sit in the passenger seat, quickly buckling up as she looked out the window.

Anne Banks drove to school in silence with her daughter, she wondered when it had gotten so bad between them, there was a time where the two were best friends, now they struggled even to have the slightest interaction.

"Bye, Thankyou" Belle spoke politely, grabbing her backpack and quickly exiting the car.

"Hey Belle" Anne called making her stop as she turned, looking at her mother "I love you, you know" the woman smiled.

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