Canada X Reader: Heartbeat Song

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Walking into a small Tim Horton's ((NO STARBUCKS SO SUCK IT UP)) you shake the snow out of your hair and push it out of your (e/c) eyes. You head towards the counter, where there is a short line.

'A cup of coffee/hot chocolate would be good right about now...' You thought. As soon as you got to front, you ordered.

"Ok, that'll be $3.95." The cashier said. You dug around your pockets and only got $2.34.

"Crap... I only have $2.34..." You said to the cashier.

"Umm... here." Someone from behind you said, tapping on your shoulder.

You turned around to see a man about your age with blonde wavy hair, purple/ blue eyes, glasses, and a strange curl. He was wearing a red and white 'CANADA' stitched knit hat, a red sweatshirt with a white maple leaf in the middle, jeans, and red converse.

He gently handed you the remaining money. "Here." He said with a soft smile. You gently took the money with a smile. "I'm Canada. And you?" He asked.

"_____". You replied. You paid with he money, grabbed your drink, and turned back to Canada.

"Uh... thank you." You said, a light blush on your face.

"No problem. Hey, have you ever ice skated?" He asked. You nodded.

"Once, but I kept falling. I'm a huge klutz sometimes..." You said with a small chuckle. He chuckled as well.

"Maybe I could teach you?" He asked. "Just a heads up, Im a bit of a 'were-bear' on the ice..." He said, holding out a hand towards you.

You laughed a little. "Thanks for the heads up." You said, taking his hand.

With that, the two of you headed off to ice skate.

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