England X Reader: Thunder

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Geez... London was always so rainy this time of year! But then again, when ISN'T it? As you step out of the little cafe you were in and started to head down the sidewalk, it started to thunder.

"Ugh.... just what I need right now..." You mumble. You pull your coat closer and your hair out of your face.

"Excuse me! Miss! Wait up!" A voice calls out. You look back to see a blonde haired, emerald green eyes man wearing some tan pants, a green sweater vest, and a black tie run up to you with a black umbrella in hand. His hair is wet and he looks cold.

"You dropped this." He said, reaching into his pocket and pulls out your wallet. You scan your pockets and see that it really IS your wallet!

"Oh my gosh! Thank you!" You say, putting it away. He smiles.

"You're welcome, love." He put a hand out for you to shake. "My name is England. Nice to meet you." He says. You shake his hand.

"_______." You reply with a smile.

"Lovely name... ______.... I like it." He said. A pink dust came onto the both of your cheeks. A burst of thunder was heard.

"We should get under a roof..." England suggested. You nodded as he put the umbrella over the both of you and you ran off to find somewhere to keep warm and dry.

HETALIA X READERWhere stories live. Discover now