China X Reader: One Last Time

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Yao couldn't help it. In all of his years, he had never seen someone as beautiful as her. And the best part was... he saw her in a PANDA exhibit! How amazing is that?! Oh, he likes pandas... a LOT.

As he looked at her, he couldn't help but see how gentle she was with the panda bears. Her (h/c) hair tucked neatly into a bun at the top of her head, her (e/c) eyes sparkling while taking care of them, her graceful movements... She was amazing. Beautiful.

She had to be his. He couldn't bear to see the thought of him not in her life... or her in his. He looked back at his siblings, making sure they didn't see where he was going or what he was doing -especially Im Yong Soo. That guy drove Yao NUTS!

He took a deep breath and started to walk over to her. Once he reached her, he lightly tapped on her shoulder. His heart stopped as she turned her head in a swift motion. It's like the world stopped. This... feeling. Yao had never felt anything like it before. His palms started to sweat, his cheeks flushed a bright pink, he started feeling clammy...

Was this feeling -dare he even THINK- love?

No, that's IMPOSSIBLE! There's no WAY he would ever fall in love! He never has, and he never will!

The girl smiled softly. Yao snapped out of his thoughts and turned to her, smiling softly as well. "Ni-hao. My name is Yao Wang." He said, trying not to let his voice crack.

"Hi. My name is ____." She replied. "Lovely name." Yao replied. ____ cheeks dusted a light pink. "Thanks... I like yours, too." She replied.

"Umm... I was wondering... if you would like to spend the day together...?" He asked. ____ smiled. "Sure!" She replied. His heart fluttered.

OK... maybe he was a little lovestruck...

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