Chpt: 1 - A Moon Full of Stars

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The two women were laid down beside one another in a dry field surrounded by rocks with the name Alvarez engraved into their smooth surfaces. The names all facing up, toward the midnight sky looming over.

1st Person View

Judy's hand lifted up for a moment, only to lower and land atop my own hand. At first, I didn't know if it were a bug in the dead grass beneath me, in which I couldn't help but tense up. Once I felt her fingers carefully entwine into mine, I knew there was nothing to be afraid of. I felt invulnerable; that nothing could hurt me when Judy was around.

It was a beautiful feeling.

I looked to the side to see Judy gazing back at me. It made me feel great inside; couldn't help but lightly blush. Then up came her hand from mine, caressing my cheek gently as she gazed into my eyes. A part of me wanted to do more than gaze into her eyes whilst she glided the back of her hand against my cheek.

Was it too much to ask for currently?

I opened my mouth for a moment, but it was quickly silenced by Judy's finger placing itself atop my lips. Such a sweet silence. If only she could shush me more often.

Judy: "Before you say anything, I just wanna... I just want you to know I'm thankful for you. All you've done for me. I can't... I... I'm not one to be repetitively thankful, nor sentimental. But I feel I can be myself around you. Not some invulnerable techie with witts to save me. But as Judy."

Oh how kind. When she said it, I felt I needed to hug her. But breaching her finger wasn't what I wanted to do.

What was there to do? Her finger against my lips felt perfect, and I couldn't move it for the love of me. I raised my hand up to her finger and before I could push it away, Judy moved her finger off my lip and grasped my hand. One swift movement later and she's on top of me, pinning my hands above my head.

It took me a moment to comprehend it. To comprehend that Judy was on top of me, holding my hands above my head. She was – to put it simply – dominating me. I acquiesced with pleasure. One moment to rule them all.

A soft exhale escaped Judy's lips as she gazed down at me, biting her lip barely a second later. Then, down her face lowered, her lips gently connecting with mine. In the kiss I felt at home. Judy's lips tasted like a fruity firework finally going off after minutes of anticipation.

The kiss was everything I'd hoped for.

As bright as all the stars there were in the night sky above, Judy was the only one that caught my eye. While we drifted across time and space, all I could think of was how I got here; in this moment.

I spoke barely a word, and yet I'm rewarded with something I'd do anything for. How could I even begin to describe it...

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