Chpt: 5 - All My Lovers

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Before we start, can I suggest requests? There's infinite situations that'd be lovely to write, however, I'm slowly running out of ideas.

Epic, now I've said that, let us begin Chapter 5.


Judy's POV

The Next Day

I sat on the couch, across from Y/N, tweaking a headset that a neighbour of mine asked about. Personally, I wouldn't have helped, but she insisted I helped. Two whole hours had passed since then, and I'd sat in the same spot.

As my eyes fixated on the headset in my hands, I couldn't help but feeling eyes gazing at me from across the way. Obviously, Y/N was gazing at me; in a way not even Romeo nor Juliet could describe.

She thought I didn't notice, but I did. I've noticed over the course of the two hours. But, I didn't mind it. Of course not. It was about time I said something regarding her loving gaze.

Judy: "You can act like you're reading all you like, I know you're looking at me. Not saying I don't like it, because I don't, but you've gotta do something about it."

Y/N: "And what do you suggest I do about it?"

She always did that; tried to divert the attention of the question to me, but it never worked and it never will. I was just too good at the verbal tennis game. Tennis? Eh, sports weren't my forte. Neither was referencing.

Judy: "Your eyes. Your desires. Your choice."

That line made Y/N blush, meaning I'd got her again. Here's me hoping I get her forever. What followed was special. Special to me.

Y/N set down her book and looked over to me, those same eyes peering into my soul like I'd just saved her life and gave it purpose. How there was so much emotion in simple pupils was intriguing, but I was too busy feeling great inside to inquire further.

Y/N: "Did I ever tell you about the time I went backpacking across Western Europe?"

Judy: "No. Never. But, go on."

Now this is where it gets a little blurry.

Next, I recall waking up the next morning in bed alone, wearing nothing but green and black dolphin shorts. I don't recall ever owning these shorts, but they were on me.

A moment or so later, I sat up, wondering how I even found myself in bed. I did recall a few other things from the night prior, but that was the least confusing thing on my mind. It certainly was on my mind. Quite the performance from Y/N, if I must say.

What type of sorcery got me into bed though...

Speak of the titillating devil. Entering the room in the same business shirt I took off her a day or so ago, Y/N walked up to the bed and sat down. Once she sat down, her head turned to me with a smile. A kind smile, like she'd just watched a soldier return home from the war.

Y/N: "Good morning."

Judy: "So I finally woke up in the morning. That's new."

Y/N: "How're you feeling?"

That was a question I couldn't entirely answer without being one hundred percent truthful. Nonetheless, I answered as truthfully as I could.

Judy: "Confused. But good. Sort of delighted, as well. I don't think I can remember all of your Western Europe story. How did it end?"

Y/N: "With you taking my top off."

Out came a giggle from my lips. Couldn't help it; I just found it intriguing.

Judy: "I meant the actual story. I know what happened after that. I'm also not sure what came over me when you were telling the story. Can't blame a girl for doing what she felt was right."

Y/N: "Or doing who she felt was right."

Judy: "That too."

There was a unison giggle after that, followed by Y/N's slowly crawl onto the bed. She lifted her body and swayed her leg over my body, sitting atop my quilt-covered lap.

Y/N: "It ended... with the girl I saw across the lake disappearing into a copse of trees. Taught me how such a sight can be so delicate, yet ephemeral."

Then, up raised Y/N's hand, her index finger resting just underneath my chin. At the touch I couldn't help but fall into the woman's eyes as she went on.

Y/N: "It also taught me to no longer let the heavenly fade away. That's why I don't want to be without you, Judy. To put it simply, it taught me everything I needed to know about relations; that they're best when cherished."

So, basically... I kissed her immediately after she'd detailed it. Couldn't help myself; the story's end was beautiful, and it even taught me a thing or two. But that was irrelevant, because I could feel myself falling for this girl at the end of my lips. This... amazing person who effortlessly took my breath away every damn day.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, whilst her hands softly planted themselves against my blushing red cheeks.

There was a word for this type of moment...



▪︎ I love y'all for reading this!

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