🔞 | Chpt: 9 - A Little Row Boat

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There was a lot on my mind. I hadn't seen Judy in days and she'd been avoiding my calls - all of my twenty calls a day. Either she really wanted to be alone, or it was off, or it wasn't in her possession. Usually she'd text me to say that she needed some space, which I happily gave her. If Judy was happy, then so was I. It was how I liked to operate.

Judy was practically everything to me; nothing I wouldn't do for her. If she needed space, then I'd give it all. If she needed help, I'd be there like Alfred is to Batman. Understandable to an extent.

Laying on the couch in my apartment with a Rubik's Cube in hand, I sought to pass time by trying to solve it after Judy'd fiddled with it and changed the sequences. I had the white side perfect, but the rest of the colours were jumbled.

One spin of the cube later and a knock at my door reverberated throughout my apartment. So, being me, I called out.

Y/N: "Just a second!"

Before standing up and walking toward the door with the cube resting in my left hand's grasp. Arriving at the door made it slide open. My sights were set on the woman standing opposite me. A sight to be seen indeed. My attention first directed to the woman's lips. The lips of the woman I missed deeply. Then, my eyes fixated on her loving light-brown gaze. Her eyes looked to be light-brown in the doorway, due to the annoying, broken strobe pulsating in the hall.

Y/N: "Judy..."

Judy: "I'm sorry for-"

Y/N: "Judy, I'm just glad you're here, and that you're safe. Nothing else matters - you're here now and you're with me. It's all I've ever asked for..."

I'm thankful I said that, as immediately after I spoke, Judy kissed me. Not a quick peck, nor a sweet press. But a passionate, loving kiss. Her hands raised to my cheeks as mine wrapped around her body and lifted her into my apartment. Once the door closed behind me, I knew what the future was going to look like. Forever happy that it was with her. . . with Judy.

I immediately dropped the Rubik's Cube, erstwhile. I was a bit too occupied with playing with something else.

As our lips connected, I felt sparks fly around the room. This was no simple kiss. My hands were soon met by Judy's hands grabbing them to move them down to where her hips ended.

I knew what she wanted.

I grasped the back of Judy's thighs and lifted her up; her legs inviting me in as she ascended off the ground. Eventually, I walked us to the kitchen counter, where I couldn't help but lower her onto it, meanwhile breaking the kiss.

Y/N: "I missed you too..." I joked, making her smile bright.

Judy: "You know I can't go without mi calabacita."

When she called me that, I couldn't help but pick her back up and walk over toward the couch, sitting myself down and placing her atop my lap.

Her thighs resting on mine as our bodies embraced one another's, whilst our lips connected in a moment I could barely describe. My hands caressed to her upper thighs, before grasping firmly. Judy lifted the kiss and smiled at me, her lips inches from mine; only making me want more and more. She was effortlessly titillating - I loved it.

As my eyes fell in love all over again with Judy's smile - that later moved into a smirk - she reached down, crossing her arms and tugging on her tank top. One luscious movement later, Judy's topless atop my lap. I was practically eye level to what rested under - I didn't mind it at all. Not one teensy bit.

Ultimately, my lips connected with her neck; kissing soft and gentle. Enough that I could feel her body beg for more.

Whilst I slowly moved up and down Judy's neck, I felt something enter my shorts from the top. There was no doubting what it was. Then, I felt something enter me. My lips left Judy's neck and I slowly leaned back against the couch.

Y/N: "Oh my..."

I barely muttered as a gentle moan escaped my lips. But it didn't venture far as my lips were once again met by Judy's. One of her hands touched my chin and lifted my head, meanwhile her other hand was busy pleasuring me. I was slowly slipping downward, but that didn't stop Judy. Not at all. I could barely control my eyelids at all; they were fluttering with prurient merriment.

Judy felt my body beg for more and she gave it exactly that. Our lips parted, making me slowly open my eyes to see the alluring woman gazing back at me. We'd had fun in the past, but it never extended this far. She'd never entered me like that, but I'm so glad the wait was worth it.

Judy: "Hm," She exhaled, before moving down my body to where her fingers once were. I felt her exit, and it made me moan once more. Then, before I could even comprehend it, Judy pulled down my shorts and exposed the whole of my lower body.

I attempted to look up to the roof to thank fate for giving me this moment. My chin raised a bit, but my emotions and nerves decided against it. They came to a halt because Judy entered me once more, but there wasn't any hands. There I went again, moaning passionately; filling the air with breaths of love.

Mirages of neon hearts conjured throughout the room from my perspective; floating around, like cartoons.

My hands were no longer caressing Judy's thighs. One was atop Judy's head, assisting her movements. And the other was inside my top, caressing my breast in rhythm with Judy's movements between my thighs. Harmony, love, passion and pleasure filled the room.

I hadn't felt it, but I climaxed. I was aware of it when Judy climbed back on top of me and lovingly looked down at me whilst I slowly returned from whatever realm I'd escaped to.

She really did rock my world.

Judy: "Give me warning next time." She giggled, winking at me. All I could think of was 'next time'.

Y/N: "I'll be sure to..." I smiled, lowering my hand from beneath my top.

Judy: "Wanna stop, or shall we take the rest to the bedroom? Choice is yours."


Judy posed the question...
What's the answer?

(small note: this was a tad rushed, so apologies in advance if there's grammatical errors, etc.)

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