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nique •

"get up"

"no" i spoke , as i changed the position i was laying down in on the couch .

i then felt myself being picked up.

"y'all gone stop picking me up like ima doll" i spoke as i guess his name is Q carried me up the stairs .

i was then literally dropped on a bed , with no care at all.

"who's room is this?" i asked .

"mine well ours" he spoke .

"ours ?" i chuckled . "you think you just gone keep me locked up in this house or something?" i asked .

"i don't think, i know"

"well you wrong i have a life"

"who gone stop me?" he asked looking at me with low eyes .

am i supposed to be scared ? only person i'm scared of is the murderer downstairs .

"niggas rob one bank and think they above the law and untouchable" i spoke as i got under the covers cuz i was cold .

"that wasn't my first one sweetie" he spoke .

"well that's not my business live yo life how you want too"

"it kinda is your business" he spoke .

"and how is that?" i asked .

"because you going on our next heist"

my heart dropped "unt uhh i'm not built to rob no bank" i spoke shaking my head.

"that's why you gone do training starting tomorrow"

next day

i looked out the window as we drove into some woods , we've been driving for a coo two hours honestly.

it was me , Q, the murderer and one other girl she was pretty but she was the opposite of me by that i mean loud as hell .

the car finally stopped and i looked around as they all got out the car.

am i supposed to follow?

i got out the car and did a big stretch+yawn combo and in the middle of that i heard some gun shots causing me to jump .

i heard laughing so i turned around "y'all play too much" i spoke feeling embarrassed.

"c'mere" q spoke so i walked over to the trunk of the van where he was .

"which one you wanna start with?" he asked .

i looked into the truck seeing like 5 different guns . "uhhh that one" i shrugged pointing at a glock which was the smallest out the 5 i could choose .

"watch asia and mekhi"

the the killers name is mekhi ... noted .

Q told them to go and hella gun shots went off . smh.

i watched as they both emptied their clips and began shooting again .

"ight look" q spoke causing me to turn back to him .

"you gone hold it like this, then aim at any tree with a target on it , then pull the trigger like this" he spoke then shot the gun .

he handed me the gun and i looked at him like he was crazy.

"how you know i won't shoot you?" i asked as i held the heavy gun .

"chill lil girl and ill shoot yo ass back i've been shot 6 times before and i'm still here" he said as he pulled his gun out from in his pants .

i held the gun up and aimed it at a empty target before shooting the 6 bullets that we're left in there .

"ight let's see" q spoke before telling asia and mekhi to stop shooting .

we went up to my target , i did pretty good for my first time honestly.

Q nodded and looked at me "now for a moving target" he spoke .

"you?" i asked smiling .

"you wish but nah" he went behind me and pointed at a baby deer that was chilling eating some grass .

"i'm not shooting at no baby deer the fuck"

"well do you see the mama?" he asked and i shook my head no " exactly , go" he handed me his gun which was a bit heavier then the one i used before .

i held the gun up and aimed it at the deer ......

"i can't" i spoke shaking my head .

bambi ain't do shit to me .

"go" i heard Q say and that's when asia smiled and shot three bullets in the deer , killing it .

i turned my head and walked back to the car, i got in and slammed the door closed .

these mfs have no heart at all.

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