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nique •

we were back at the wearhouse and it was three days later , what we did was all over the news and they couldn't find who it was for shit .

Q told me that the money had barcodes and shit on it that could track us thats why his team needed three days to change them and shit .

he also thanked me for saving his life .

i was hiding it but i am really disgusted with myself for what i did , i mean i saved Q's life but i also took one which will never sit right with me and knowing my karma was coming i was on edge .

we walked into the warehouse and there was hella stacks of money on one fold away table, "damnn" i heard asia say .

"how much did we get?" Q asked one of his workers , frank.

"65 million boss" he spoke .

we all looked at eachother and smiled ,

"so that's like ....." mekhi spoke using his fingers to count . "12 million each" asia spoke .

my eyes widened.

"oh shit" mekhi smiled .

i sat down in a chair because i was starting to feel dizzy as they started picking the money up.

Q had already told me that the money would go in a bank account under jordan which is my new name to strangers . i have the id card with that name already .

when they were done which took like five hours . Q walked over to me and bent down .

"just know i got you, for life" he spoke .

i nodded .

"c'mon' he spoke getting back up , he held his hand out and i grabbed it .

"ASIA" he simi yelled .

"why you so loud for?" i asked and he laughed .

asia walked up and he whispered something in her ear and she smiled then nodded .

she grabbed my hand and we started walking out .

"we leaving?" i asked and she nodded .

"what about the money?"

"they gone put it in the bank accounts remember" she said and i nodded .

"where we going though?" i asked as i got into a white jeep with her.

"to give you a new look"


i stood in the mirror as she applied this red dye all over my head , it was either red or blonde and i wasn't feeling blonde.

"you know what you doing right?" i asked her and she said no causing us both to laugh.

i did her blonde and it was under a cap at the moment .

after getting the dye over my whole head she put the cap on me and we both sat down.

i looked down at my nails , i had got a french tip on my nails and my feet, i got a eyebrow wax and we both got Brazilian waxes which hurt like a bitch.

i liked having asia as a friend , it was better then being alone especially in this predicament.

"so.. how did you start working with Q?" i asked her .

"me and mekhi were broke , living from motel to motel" she started .

"wait you and mekhi are together?" i asked and she nodded "i didn't know"

"we try to keep it professional at work" she said and i nodded .

"so one day mekhi came back to the room and was like he got a job and i was proud of him but when he told me what it was i was kind of skeptical .. but Q took us in , let us live here and trained us just like he did you , that was like 5 years ago"

"so y'all be robbing banks for five years?"

"no it started off as other things like moving drugs across the country, this is only our third bank" she spoke .

"have you even been caught .. or shot?"

she laughed "shot no, caught yes, i was in jail for less then 24 hours before Q bailed me out , literally if you ever get caught don't snitch because he got it i promise you he got ties everywhere"

i nodded " Does he have like a girlfriend or.. wife or kids?" i asked .

"naw, he's cold hearted as fuck, the first time i've ever seen him show love a girl relationship wise was ... with you"

"why?" i asked.

"idk i think he don't wanna get hurt , i heard this his girlfriend before you set him up and he almost got killed , which is why he needed new employees aka me and mekhi but since then he ain't been fucking with nobody relationship wise"

i nodded .

i liked that asia was spilling the tea , i needed to know more but i will ask later .

the timer went off and we both stood up and started washing the dye out of our hair .

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