Ralex - truth or dare

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(In this one shot Flynn can see and feel the boys and so can Julie)

Alex prov:

I was sat upside down on Luke's couch, in the studio, just flipping my drum sticks around in my hands. Then Reggie walked in, did I mention I have a big crush on Reggie, yeah so now you know. He walked over to me,sat down next to me and turned so he was sat upside down next to me. I started to get butterflies at how close our faces were.

"What you doing?" Reggie asked me

"Just thinking" I said answering his question

"Do you want to do something later? me, Luke, Julie and Flynn were gonna play truth or dare at 8:30 tonight. Do you want to come?" Reggie said to me

"Sure! I would love to come" I told him

"Ok, see you later" he said smiling at me and poofed out

* * *

It was now 8:00 and I was pacing around the studio, then Luke and Julie walked in holding hands. They got together about a week ago, after Julie saved us from Caleb's Jolts.

"Hey Alex" Luke said while sitting down with Julie on a bean bag.

"Hi, where's Reggie?" I ask them, they look at each over and smile slightly.

"He's in the kitchen!" they both say quickly, I just look at them confused and go find him.

"Hey Reg you in here?" I say walking into the kitchen

"Yeah I'm here, I just got dressed" reggie answered. I looked at him, dang did looked hot in his red checkered shirt. Wait did I really just say that?!

"If you take a picture it will last longer" Reggie said smirking, I just blushed because he caught me staring at him.

"Let's go, before Julie and Luke start making out" I say with a laugh, Reggie laughed with me. And we walked to the studio, as we walked our hands brushed against each overs, I looked over at Reggie but he was just looking ahead, with slightly rose cheeks, our hands continued to brush against each overs until we got to the studio.
Flynn was there now, talking to Julie and Luke about band stuff. Me and reggie sat down on Luke's couch next to each over, my hand accidentally landed on top of his. I moved it quickly but not quick enough because Luke saw what happened and smirked at me. I just glared at him and looked away.

"Alright time to start!" Reggie shouted excited. "Luke, since your the oldest you go first, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare!" Luke replied

"Ok...I dare you to jump down from the top of the loft!" Reggie said getting very excited a little more than usual.

"Ok Deal!" Luke said climbing up the loft stairs, before anyone could realise how high up it was Luke jumped down and landed with a thump.

"Owww....I'm ok, I think" Luke said clearly in pain, me and Reggie couldn't help but laugh at how stupid he was to agree to the dare. When Luke had recovered from the fall he said,

"Alex, your next truth or dare?" Luke asked with a devilish smirk on his face, Luke was the only one who knew about my crush on Reggie and I knew what that smirk meant. I was in for it big time.

"Truth...NO dare" I said not breaking eye contact with Luke.

"I dare you to sit on the persons lap you have a crush on!" Luke said smirking even harder. I looked at Reggie, got up slowly and sat on his lap.
Everyone made an 'aww' sound and I just looked down blushing, then I felt Reggie's arm around my waist and I looked up at him to see him blushing and smiling at me. I smiled back still blushing hard and whispered "thank you" so Reggie was the only one who could hear. I felt his snuggle into me shoulder and to my surprise he whisper moaned into my ear, it was barely audible but I heard it.

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