🧡 Ruke 🧡 - Beanie Hats

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Summary: Luke loves Beanie hats. Luke found the rest of them.
Warnings: none
Ship: 🧡 Ruke 🧡
Words: 1101
Luke's POV:

I was sat in the loft of the studio going through my old bags of clothes and stuff. Then I found another bag behind my guitar cases. I opened if and I found the rest beanie hats! I looked through them. There was 14 in total, yeah I have a lot of hats. I placed them on the floor one by one.

First, I took out the red one with a flame on the front of it, then the yellow one with a bee on it, the lime and green ones, the light and dark blue, purple, pink, white, grey and black. I was observing all of the hats around where I was sat. I checked the bag to see if there was anything else left in there. Then I found a red and black checkered one.
I remembered when I got that.

~ Flashback ~

Julie took me out shopping and I spotted it through a shop's window I instantly fell in love with it. It looked like Reggie's fannel and reminded me of him. Julie came over to me to see what I was looking at. She saw the beanie and said,

"Oh you like the beanie hat, huh?" I nodded viciously with my hands pressed up against the glass. She laughed at me. "If you like it that much I could go and get it?" Julie asked me.

"Please could you? That would be amazing!" I said to her. She smiled and went inside the shop. A few minutes later, Julie came back out of the shop holding the hat. I had a massive smile on my face and was bouncing up and down repeatedly. She handed me the beanie.

"Here you are Luke" she said. I hugged her and was shouting thank you for ten minutes on the way home.

~ End of flashback ~

"Luke?...Luke?? You in there?" Reggie says waving his hand in front of my face. My cheeks tint rose pink at the closeness of our bodys. I look at I'm confused for a second then realise I was lost in thought.

"Oh yeah I'm ok, how long have you been there?" I say.

"Oh not long. I just got back from hanging with Ray," Reggie says siting down next to me careful not to sit on any of the hats around me.

"Oh ok" I say putting one the red checkered beanie. I start to put the other hats away as Reggie states,

"Hey! that hat looks like my fannel!" I look up at him and smile.

"Yeah that's why I got it. I reminded me of you.." I said looking away slightly.

"I-it.. reminded you of me?" Reggie said with tinted pink cheeks.

"Yeah..." I said and with that I poofed out to go see Julie.

~ Time skip ~ (brought you to by me being a lazy writer)

Reggie POV:
5:30 pm

I was sat outside of the studio alone, sat on a wall. Luke was writing songs with Julie and Alex was with Willie. So I had no one to hang out with, which i am fine with by the way. I have spend many hours by myself before. I just wish that Luke would spend some time with me.

We did spend some time together earlier though, which was nice. I never knew he had a hat that reminded him of me. I mean why me? What's so great about me? Him and Julie have so much chemistry! They OOZE chemistry! And me and him have nothing together.

~ Another Time skip ~ (sorry guys)

7:00 pm

It was starting to get cold but I stayed outside. I mean the cold never really bothered me anyway. Can ghosts even catch colds?
I'm sure Julie and Luke would of finished by now. Alex still hasn't come back from seeing Willie. Oh well. My eye lids started to get heavy, a few minutes passed and sleep overtook me.

Luke's POV:
7:15 pm

I just finished writing songs with Julie and was wondering where Reggie had gone off to. I checked in the studio and up in the loft. Nothing. 'Where has he got to?' I thought. I walked outside and then I saw him. Curled up in a ball, shivering and socking wet from the rainfall.
I ran over to Reggie and picking him up bridal style. Then poofed back inside and laid him down on the couch. I changed him into some of my dry clothes and put a blanket over him.

I sat there next to him stroking his cheek gently. His face was ice cold, so I put my beanie that I was wearing on his head gently. I smiled at how cute he looked in my clothes and hat. After a few minutes I lay next to him and snuggled into his chest. I slept.

Reggie's POV:

I woke up warm and with someone's head on my chest. I rubbed my eyes then to my surprise I saw a sleeping Luke on top of me. And I was in his clothes?!

"Aah!" I squeaked out loudly. Luke flinched at the sudden noise. He looked up at me and smiled.

"W-why...What?" I said struggling for words. Luke sat up slightly but he was still lying on me. He put his fingers on my lips and said:

"Reg I found you outside in the cold and rain alone shivering. So I brought you back inside and warmed you up" Luke explained. I nodded.

"Thank you Luke" I said. He smiled and snuggled back into me. I blushed.
A few moments passed before Luke looked back up at me again. We stared into each overs eyes for what felt like forever. Luke's eyes flickered down to my lips then back to my eyes a couple of times. I started to lean in and so did he. As our lips touched everything stopped Luke's hand moved to my thigh and I placed one of mine on his cheek. We pulled apart.

"Did I ever tell you how cute you look in my beanie?" Luke said.

The End

Heyyy my ghosts! I'm sorry I haven't posted in ages. It's been a very stressful at the moment. I'm trying to post as much as I can. I have a few requests that I'm starting to work my way through. But anyway I hope you enjoyed and have a great day/night or whatever time it is for you! Don't forget to comment and Vote. Bye 👻

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