I love you

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Honestly thought I was going to die after my parents found out my grades. I seem to be doing fine. I'm so happy that I'm writing a chapter for you guys. I know I've been slacking off. I've been really busy. Hope you enjoy!

<Ali POV>

I'm sitting on a chair waiting for Spencer to be questioned. I can't think straight. All I'm thinking of is Em and Hanna. What if they died and we're not even there. What if Em dies? She was already hurt before the accident. I can't live without her.

"Alison. Let's go." Spencer says walking out

I looked up shocked. I then ran out the door to get into spencers car.

"Hurry up." I said aggressively

Spencer pushed the pedal to drive faster.


"I'm looking for Emily Fields and Hanna Marin?" I said fastly to the nurse

"Room 203 and 217" she says

I immediately ran to room 203. I looked in and see Hanna laying in the bed. The monitor is beeping and It seems like she's doing fine. I immediately ran out to room 217. My looked in and the bed was empty. I walked in. Where is she?

"Where is she?" Spence asks

"I don't know." I responded

"Want me to ask?" Spence asks

I just looked at her with slow tears rolling down my eyes. When she left to ask one of the nurses,tears after tears started rolling down my eyes.

"She's in surgery Alison. Have you thought of that?" Spencer says walking in

"Oh." I looked up

I stood up and walked into Hanna's room. I went in and there she was. Asleep. I sat there with Spencer. We're just staring at her. Being creepers.

"Can you guys stop staring?" Hanna asks with her eyes still closed

We both looked down.

"So how are you feeling?" Spencer asks

"I'm feeling hungry." Hanna says

"Are you supposed to eat?" I asked

"I don't know." She says

"I mean are you feeling ok?" Spencer asks

"I feel like there's a hole in my chest." Hanna responds

"I'll be right back." I said as I got out the room

I walked around the hospital. I finally went to Em's room to see if she was there. She was. I looked at the monitor and it has a flat line. I stood there and then Stick my head out the door and yelled help.

Doctors came rolling in. They checked her pulse and heart beat.

"Oh we are so sorry. The plug wasn't plugged in to her. Someone must've forgotten." The doctor says

He plugs the plug in and there was Emily's heart beat. Beating.

"Thank you." I said as they walked out

"Idiots." I whispered

I then took a seat next to Emily's bed.
I held her hand and started saying

"Hey Em."

I stop after that because I didn't know what to say. I just held her hand. As the time past by and started feeling sleepy. I fell asleep on her bedside. Next to the person I love most. My girlfriend. Emily.

<Emily's POV>

I woke up and saw Ali holding my hand. She was asleep.

I wanted to move my hand because it felt sore and I just have the urge to move it.

I slowly tried to take my hand out without waking her. I failed because it woke her.

"YOURE AWAKE!" She says as she woke up

"Yeah I am." I said stretching my arms

"How's Hanna? Spencer?" I asked

"Spence and Han are fine." She responded

"how are you?" I asked

"I'm fine. Just worried about you." She said as she gave me a peck on the cheek.

"I missed you." I said

"I love you." She responded

"I love you too." I said

"But I love you more." She says

"You don't know how much I love you." I responded

"Oh but it do." She says giggling

"Really?" I asked smiling

"Yeah really." She says

"How much?" I asked

"Less then how much I love you." She says smiling

"You wish. I love you so much." I said

"But I love you more." She responded

"I'm never going to win am I?" I asked

"Nope." She responded

"Well I love you more." I said

"Hey! That's my line!" She yells

"Well it's mines now." I said laughing

"I love you most." She then says

"But I love you more than that." I said

"Fine. You win." She says as she gave me a long passionate kiss.

This chapter was really hard to write. I just started writing random things. Grammar is probably off. I'm writing on my phone too. It's actually really hard. My big thumbs can't even punch the right letters. Hope you enjoyed this short chapter.

Much Love ❤️❤️❤️

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