Who are you?

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So sorry i haven't been updating. Kinda sick and i have a Lymph on my neck. Yay...

I also have to deal with alot of stuff being in high school. Its actually really hard. I sometimes need a break from everything you know?

<emily POV>
"I just want to take a little nap." I said

"Uh no you're not." Spencer responded

"But I want to." I said

"I don't care. I need you awake with me." Spencer responded

I rolled my eyes and got up. I took out my phone and started looking for signal. I walked around the empty basement with my hand up looking for just one bar.

"come on." i whispered at my phone

When I was just about to give up,there was one bar. I immediatly called Ali.

"Hello?" Ali said in a graspy voice.

"you got a signal?!?!?!?!" Spencer screamed loudly

"Are you with Spence?" Ali asked

"Yeah. We're just hanging out." I said

"I miss you." I added

"We just saw each other like an hour ago." Ali giggled

"I know. I'll see you later. I Love You." I said

"I love you too." Ali said

i hung up and looked at Spence who is looking at me shocked.

"Seriously?" She said

"What?" I asked


"I'll call Aria." I respoded

i quickly dialed Aria's Phone # before Spencer blows up.

"Hello?" Aria says

"Hey. Spence and I are stuck in a basement in the middle of no where." I said

"HELP US." Spencer screams from across the room

"Wait,What? Where in the middle of no where?" Aria asks

"In the forest next to the Lost Woods Resort." I spoke

"What happened? Are you guys ok?" Aria asks

"We are right now,but you need to help us out. Bring weapons with you." I said

"Hold on. Stay on the phone. We're coming." Aria Said

The door sprung open and there was a man with a mask and hoodie on. I put my phone in my pocket as fast as i could.

"Give it to me." A masculine voice says

"I dont think its Lucas Spence." I whispered

"Give you what?" Spencer asks

"Your phone. Give it to me." The mysterious voice responds

I took my phone out and looked at it. Aria is still on the line. I looked at the mased figure. I looked past him. The door was widely opened. I stood up,pushed the figure down and ran towards the door. Thats when i was hit by another figure.

"Not that easy." The other man said

He dragged me down to where i was.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked

"You'll find out soon." The figure said as he took my phone

"FUCK YOU." I screamed as they were about to walk out.

One of them looked back and fastly walked down the stairs and grabbed my face. He looked at me and i was staring into those eyes.

"Noel?" I whispered

He took me up on his shoulders and i could feel Spencer trying to push him but he pushed her back.

"Let me go!" I screamed

He took me out of the basement and went upstairs. He went in this room with only a chair in it. He threw me onto it and proceeded to tie me to the chair. When he finished he looked at me.

"Noel?" I spoke scared

"STOP CALLING ME THAT." The figure screams and then walked out

I tried to move but the ropes were too strong.

I kept thinking to myself

You're going to be ok

Aria is on her was

You're going to be rescued

Help is coming


I tried to get out one more time. Nothing happened.

<Spencer POV>

They took our phones and they took Emily. I sat there speechless waiting for the girls. Am I going to be ok? I need my friends. I need Toby. Aria. Hanna. Ali. Em. I miss them. Before i knew it,i started breaking down and crying. Why is this happening to me? To us? Why is A tormenting us? I ask more and more questions.

"Who is A?" I asked myself

I sat there thinking.

"Noel?" I whispered to myself.

Emily said Noel. How can she know? What if it was soemone else?

What am I writing? Im just so tired and out of it that i dont know what im talking about. Just a random update. Im sorry if this doesnt make sense. It doesnt make sense to me Either. Honestly im just very confused what to write about. Thinking about ending the story. But i dont know. Maybe. Maybe not?

Angain,im sorry for the confusing update. I might update this weekend. I dont know.

Much Love

EmisonWhere stories live. Discover now