I choose you

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Ok so I just watched mockingjay...it needs more action n stuff. I like catching fire better. Then I watched interstellar...let's not talk about it. I didn't enjoy it. So sorry this might be late. I'm trying my best though.

<Emily POV>

I feel kind of confident of who I want in my life. Maya. All the feelings came rushing back when I saw her. I know I love Alison,but with us together,everything crashes and burns. We can't be together. At least not now. My head just tells me to pick Maya. Maybe it's for the best. I take out my phone and text Ali to come over.

A: Ali E: Emily

E: come over? Now?

A: yeah. What's wrong?

E: nothing. Just wanted to talk

A: I'll be over in 5. Love you

After reading "love you",it makes me question myself if I'm doing the right thing. I love ali. I do. But I can't. I want her safe. The only way to keep her safe is to move on. Also,Maya isn't bad. When she showed up at that door,I'll admit,I was mad,but when I took her hand,there was a little spark. What me and alison had.

<Ali POV>

Em texted me to come over. To have a "talk". As I drive to her house I get butterflies In my stomach. I've never been this nervous before. I went to the door and rang the doorbell. The one and only,Emily opens the door.

"Hey. Are you ok? Did something happen?" I asked as I scanned her body for any scars.

"What? No. Come in." She says

I walked in and sat in the couch.

"So talk? Talk about what?" I asked

"I-I think we need to break up." She says in a soft whisper

"Wait. What? Why?" I ask about to cry

"Everytime we're together ali, A goes after us. I'm not taking the risk of any of us getting hurt." She says

"It's ok. We'll find a way. Unless. Unless you still have feelings for Maya." I said quivering

"I do. I don't know where it came from. Ali. I love you. Believe me. I'm sorry. I never thought it would end this way." She says as she takes a seat besides me

"So I guess friends?" I asked as I wiped the tears in my eyes

"Friends." She says

I walked out her house and cried in my car. I don't want to drive home. I just want to sit here and cry. As I turned on the car,I whispered to myself,hoping Emily can hear

"I'm in love with you."

<Emily POV>

I've never felt like I made the biggest mistake. I feel so stupid. I called Hanna. The only person who won't make me feel stupid is Hanna. She's naturally born with it. It's almost amazing.

"EMMMMM it's 3 in the morning. I'm sleeping" she groans

"I broke up with ali." I said

"At 3? Are you kidding me? You couldn't have waited till the morning? Did you not think this through?" She asks wide awake

"I thought it through Hanna. Come over." I said

As I was about to hang up, she screams through her phone


"What?" I ask

"Chinese or pizza? Or we can do cupcakes. Let's get fat tonight." She says happily

"Hanna. It's 3 in the morning. Nothing is open." I said

"Fine. But just remember,food always make your tummy better." She says as she hung up

What is she talking about. My tummy is doing fine. I went to my room and watched outside the window. I see a car parking in front of my house. I see Hanna coming in. She's in her PJs. She knocks and I open the door.

"Ok what's your problem?" She asks as she walks in

"I broke up with Ali. I think I'm into Maya." I said

"Do you love Maya?" She asks as she goes through the cabinets

"I don't know." I responded

"Ok. So you love Ali and you supposedly like Maya." She says

"I feel like Maya could be the one. You know?" I said

"Yeah. I sometimes feel like Travis can be the one. But it's always Caleb." She says

"Maybe I should try a relationship with Maya." I said

"Do you not have food here?" She asks slamming cabinets

"No. It's all organic." I said

"Next time I'm going to bring chips with me." She says

"Do you want to stay over?" I ask

"With all these healthy food in the kitchen,I'll pass. See you tomorrow." She says as she walks out the door

"Maya?" She gasps as she opens the door

Hanna runs back inside.

"Em your dead ex is outside the door." She says

"I was just talking about her." I said confused

"I thought you were talking about Math Maya. I didn't know she was your dead Ex." She says

I walked to the door and open it.

"So do we need to talk?" She asks

"Come in." I said

This is only for a few chapters. I would make it right with Ali and Em. I promise. I don't like Emaya anyways.

I know I've been writing short chapters. I'm just getting the hang of this. I've been Gone for awhile. Expect longer ones. Thanks for reading. I never thought I would ever make it this far. Surprisingly I did. TYSM.

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