Ender's Game

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Random story :)

Ender >>>

I bit my lip eagerly, covering my head under the oak table. Gentle footsteps sounded only inches away from my hiding spot. The rhythmic thumps in my chest quickened with every passing second, causing a warm, salty liquid to run down my forehead. And that one watery substance got into my blood red eyes, making me blink repetitively.

Then, with a sudden jolt, I was dragged out from under the table, swinging in my mom’s arms. I laughed while she spun me around in the air.

“Gotcha!” She laughed teasingly.

She set me down on the grass, my long violet hair almost touching the ground. My baggy black shirt and pants dragged in the dirt while I twirled around playfully. Within one whirl I stumbled, almost falling over. Although mother grabbed onto me, causing a laugh to escape from both of us.

“You’re so silly, Ender,” She rubbed her nose against mine, bringing forth a giggle.

Then, I felt a tap on my back. I turned around with sudden interest, my head tilted; but when I saw who it was, I beamed brighter than the sun on the sunniest day.

“Daddy!” I jumped into his arms. He laughed.

“Hey, Endy. How’s my favorite little daughter?” He ruffled up my hair. I deadpanned, fixing it back into place.

“I’m your only daughter, dummy,” I rolled my eyes. “And I’m doing great!”

“Well maybe you’d do better if I started teaching you magic,” he raised an eyebrow. I could almost feel my heart explode with happiness.

“Really?! Really, really, really, really???!!!” I jumped up and down ecstatically. “Oh my gosh!!!”

“Rafferty, she’s only 6. Are you sure she’s ready?” asked mommy. I turned to her with an evil glare, although she just kept her attention on daddy.

He stood up with a smirk. “It’s her birthday, hun. What could be a better birthday present?”

I put my hands together, pleading for my mommy’s approval. She put her hands on her hips, continuing to stare grumpily at daddy. There was tension in the air. The whole time, mommy and daddy stared each other down. I didn’t care, though; I just wanted to learn some jutsu!

“Pleeeeeeeeeaaassseeeeeee???!!!” I tugged on mommy’s pant leg innocently. She ripped her gaze away from daddy for a few seconds to stare at me in sadness. Then she sighed.

“Fine. But only one.”

“Yaaaaay!” I cheered. “I wanna learn water magic! No… lightning! Oh hold on… earth! That way I can make myself taller! But what about wind? Oh, and fire!”

“Whoa, whoa, hold on there, Endy,” he picked me up to let me sit on his shoulder. “You don’t always have to learn element magic first. We don’t even know your maji nature. Let’s just start with a simple transformation spell first, kay?”

“Oh! Is that the one where you turn into other people?” I gasped.

“Yup, that’s the one. And you’ve seen me do it many times.”

“Yeah! Just tell me how to do it, and I can do it!”

“Alright, alright. Calm down,” he set me down. Suddenly, he raised his right hand up to the sky in a familiar gesture. “I want you to do this.”

I raised my hand like his and tried to touch the clouds. “Great. Now I want you to do the lock and key trick. Remember how to do it?”


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