A Funny Kind of Fear ~ Sword Art Online (1)

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Kirito is stuck in Sword Art Online and is trying to make his way out. But what’s going on with everyone else inside Aincrad? What’s the story of this player, Maemi, who’s stuck in this new world as well? Let’s stray from Kirito for a while and just start from the beginning, in the eyes of Maemi, as she meets Kaiku in her journeys and realizes she’s actually not alone.

Maemi >>>

If I knew I was going to get stuck in this game, I guess I wouldn’t have put on the NerveGear that night. If I’d known sooner I probably wouldn’t have raced to get the title of beta tester. Everything had gone by like a blur; and it took a while to realize I was miles away from reality.

            It all started on a Monday; the day Sword Art Online was released to the public for the whole world to play. It was an insanely big deal considering it was the first game that introduced the NerveGear. Nothing like it had ever been heard of. It was created by a super smart Japanese guy who apparently spent his entire life trying to make this thing. Over 60 years trying to perfect the impossible. But now here we are, playing in a virtual world that feels exactly like reality. Playing in a world we thought was impossible.

            I’d just finished writing the 29th chapter of my book, and I was eager to start. As a beta tester I’d been more of a solo player getting used to the game, but now I wanted to make and play with friends. I shut down my computer, leaving a blank screen to stare at me. For some reason I was nervous. Maybe it was because the whole world was playing. Maybe it was because I was too excited. Or maybe it was just because I was always shy when it came to make friends. Either way I couldn’t wait to plunge back into the rushing world of Sword Art Online.

            I sighed, grabbing my midnight-black NerveGear headset and cautiously sliding it over my head. I pressed a button on the side and a sharp pressure applied itself to the back of my neck. I then flipped the glass screen down and immediately saw instructions. It was the usual stuff; slowly touch your whole body and face with your hands. I guess it was so the NerveGear could record your height and features and such. After patting my body over a several times I lied down on my bed and closed my eyes. And as a final message to start, I said the key word:

            “Link Start!”

            And with that colors flashed and words and numbers appeared and suddenly I opened my eyes to find myself in SAO.

            It hadn’t been too long since I logged on. I roamed the first level, killing enemies and raising my level. I was amazed by how many people were in the game. Everywhere I went there were at least three people in sight. In beta you’d be lucky if you found one person for miles. I walked around and attempted to talk to people – mostly to trade – but my shyness got the best of me and I struggled to make conversation. It was the worst time to be awkward.

            So I finally decided to give up. I had plenty of friends in the real world; I didn’t really need more in a video game. Besides, I could just convince one of them to play with me. Although knowing my friends they’d probably be stubborn and argue until they got their way… again. I’ve tried to convince them to get a nerve gear one too many times but all they wanted to do was go hang at the park. I’ve always wondered why they didn’t like video games. It was a chance to escape from the corrupted real world.

            I sat on a low branch of a tree on the edge of an expansive field, observing the other players train. From atop my tree I could see the entire field up until even the city. I chuckled at how clumsy they all were when it came to fighting. Of course most of them weren’t beta testers so they had no idea what they were doing. It really was a treat to watch them and be able to relax for once. Although as the time passed I started to grow lonelier and lonelier. My one little spot on my tree was so secluded and I felt a sense of jealousy as the players talked and chatted together as friends. I was the only one who was alone.

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