The Cannibal (1)

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The Cannibal

Part 1

This is the story of an unlikely pair; the coward and the cannibal. Hachi, a simple man with a simple life, and Red, a psychotic cannibal with a troubling condition, are held together in a flesh-filled basement, trapped. Well, maybe not for Red, considering she’s the one who’s holding him hostage; but her past, haunting her, has forced her to lock herself away and try to find the sanity in her insanity. However, Hachi is just plain terrified, making him spend his time hugging the padlocked door and eyeing that one knife she always has clutched in her hand. They’ll cry and laugh and smile and scream, just waiting for fate to play out their lives. And in the end they’ll find their conclusion, one they never expected.

The characters >>>

I once was a good girl. A girl of expectations; prompted to be the best of the best. My mom and dad always longed for a perfect daughter that lived a perfect life, encouraging all of their potential. I was just a body—without a soul—following orders and living my life how other people wanted. It’s embarrassing, come to think of it, that I never stepped up for my own rights. But then again I did do something. Many would say it was the wrong path to take, and I completely agree. It ruined my life. The one decision I chose to do scarred my reality and I knew that I could never go back and change what I had become.

A monster has taken over me. Ever since the day I chose to slaughter my parents I’ve been nothing but a crazed monster. Now the want for blood hides right below the surface, waiting to be unleashed when my emotions unfold. I try to keep my feelings intact but just the slightest image of my parents’ bloody bodies smeared across the ground makes me crave the feeling of the dark crimson liquid on my hands.

So to satisfy my need I’ve taken a life that no one would ever want to experience; a life of killing, death, torture, and much, much more. But on my new journey the questions I’d been dreading started to appear. Why did I do this? Was this the right choice? How has this helped me? Should I have killed my parents? And all it was doing was ripping my brain in two. I tried to ignore it and convince myself I wasn’t the same innocent little girl I once knew. No, I was someone completely different. But I flickered. I flickered like a flame upon the wick, slowly melting the life around me. It was following the clock as if a bomb waiting to burst. And just then I burst. My brain scattered along with the rest of me and before I knew it I was crying and laughing and smiling and screaming, far into the depths of insanity. I knew there was no going back…

            Death. That was all he could think of at that moment. He was going to die. She was going to kill him. It was inevitable and he knew it. The tip of the blade was sharp against his skin and he could barely breathe with her hand bound tightly over his mouth. He couldn’t help but panic at the suddenness of it all. He was just standing there, watching the policemen go about their work while he stood in the pitch-black alley, until the words sounded quietly behind him:

            “Don’t move.”

            Now he was trapped – between life and death. And the only one who would make the final decision was the girl whom was holding him still; the girl who wouldn’t hesitate to make that lasting decision.

            Flashing police lights blinded him as he was forced to stare with eyes incredulously wide. However, the blaring of the horns were drowned out at the realization of the situation. A policeman stood with his back turned to them, looking to be inspecting the crime scene intently. Turn around. He pleaded. Please turn around! With his thoughts came a desperate whimper which resulted in a greater sharp pressure against his abdomen.

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