The Safe house

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"You found the shirt I left in your room, I see." I said as she walked over to me and hugged me. "Thanks Tim. I really appreciate it." I nodded and helped her get her stuff into the trunk of the SUV before we headed to my house. When we got there I went and packed up everything I wanted to take with me and almost didn't see the note on my kitchen table when we were about leave. I picked it up and started to read it, Lucy looking over my shoulder. "Tim, I'm sorry to do this in a note, but you may not notice this until you find Lucy. It feels like you hardly ever have time for me and I hate worrying all day not knowing if you're okay or if you'll come home. I'm not cut out to be a cop's anything. So that's why I'm breaking up with you. I got a job offer for my dream job in New York and I can't ask you to pick up and move your whole life across the country for me. I know you are in love with someone else and honestly she's the one. I can see it in your eyes when you talk about her. You need to tell her how you feel before you lose her. I hope we can still be friends. Love, Rachel." I felt Lucy turn me around and wrap her arms around me. "I'm so sorry Tim. It'll be okay though, because you still have me." She whispered. "Thanks Boot. Now come on let's go to the safehouse." She helped me with my stuff and off we went to the safehouse. When we got there the officer driving the SUV instructed us to go straight inside and let him bring our things inside for us. So we got out and went inside where Lucy plopped herself down on the luxury couch they provided for us. I sat down next to her and she laid her head on my shoulder. It was silent for a few minutes before she spoke, "Tim, I need you to make sure this tattoo on my waist is clean and not infected. I know it's going to be awkward but I can't look at it again. Not yet anyway." "I got you Boot. I promise." I told her and gently raised her shirt up. "Damn Luce, it's red and definitely infected. I'm going to wash it, put some aquaphor on it, and tape a gauze pad over it. I'll have to change it before you go to bed and then again when you get up in the morning. Do you have any other injuries?" "I don't know Tim. I was knocked out for 12 hours. I know he didn't rape me because he would have bragged about it. The only thing that hurts is my ankle and it's been throbbing since the adrenaline wore off." "Hopefully it's just a bad sprain and it's not broken but you should probably stay off it for a while. I'll look at it and radio Grace so she can tell me if I need to cast it and ice it and elevate it or if I just need to set it and ice it and elevate it or just ice it and elevate it." "How the hell are you going to cast it or set it?" "We have an entire closet full of medical supplies from the hospital so I can take care of you myself." "Cool." I grabbed my radio and tried to push Lucy's pant leg up only to be met with her crying out in pain. "Tim, please stop. Please it hurts so bad. Make it stop. Please." I carefully pulled my hands away and sighed. "Lucy, I'm either going to have to cut them off of you or you're going to have let me take your pants off and put some shorts on you." "You can take them off. Please be careful." I smiled and took her head in my hands. "Hey, I know this is going to be uncomfortable, but I promise you can trust me. I would never hurt you. I couldn't hurt you. You're my friend Lucy. I want you to hold onto my hand and use your other hand to help me take your pants off. If it gets to be too much you squeeze my hand as hard as you have to. I won't be mad at you, even if you break it." "Did they not put any anesthetic you can inject into my ankle like maybe a nerve block so I won't have to break your hand?" "I'll look, you radio Grace. Lucky for you I took anatomy in college and thought I wanted to be a doctor or physicians assistant but I realized that I wanted to be a police officer instead and decided not to go to med school. Which was when I was enlisted into the Army. I learned how to give nerve blocks." "Doctor Bradford huh?" "I said that out loud and realized it didn't have a ring to it." "Well I'm glad you decided to be Officer Bradford instead." "Me too. Now radio Grace while I look for a nerve block." I left the room as I heard Grace respond to Lucy, "If Tim can't even touch it without it causing you pain I'd say it's definitely broken. Your ankle isn't broken so bad it seems like the bone isn't even there is it?" "Nope, I'd still be at that house or possibly in the ground if it was." "Have Tim give you a nerve block so he can take your pants off and put some shorts on you. Then tell him he needs to cast it and have him radio Grey, so he can get someone to bring you crutches. After he finishes putting a cast on your ankle have him carry you to the bed and put a pillow under your ankle. Have him get you an ice pack to keep the swelling down and some pain relievers. You won't be able to feel your leg after he injects the nerve block so don't try to move it. If you have to get up to go to the bathroom you have to get Tim to carry you and help you get up off the toilet. I know it's going to be awkward and it's going to feel like you're crossing a line but unless you want him to catheterize you, you'll have to get over the awkwardness and not let the sexual tension between you two get the best of you or Tim. Last thing I need you to do is tell Tim how you feel. Doctor's orders. Bye." "Ugh. Tim where are you with the nerve block? I'm dying in here." "I have to grab one more thing and then I'll be right there Luce." "Grace said to have you give me a nerve block, cast my ankle, carry me to the bed and elevate it. Then put an ice pack on it. Oh and you have to carry me to the bathroom and help me get up off the toilet until I can get crutches. Ah hell!" "What?" "You're going to have to help me shower which means you'll have to be in there with me and see me naked." "Well we'll deal with that when we come to it. Right now I need to cast that pretty little ankle of yours so it starts healing as soon as possible so we can get you back on your feet and back to work when we get out of this place." I smiled down at her and she tried to smile but it turned into a grimace. "Hey, I got you I promise. I'll even watch the Bachelor with you after I get you to bed." She grimaced again. "Hey can you catch me up on the Bachelor so I'm not clueless when I watch it with you later?" "Yup. So Ashley and Lauren P. had the first one on ones last week. Bree had a big ridiculous melt down and Callie made her villainous presence known and took up all the other girl's time with Jason. Holy Shit!" "Sorry I was hoping that talking about the bachelor would distract you enough for me to inject the nerve block and make it a little less painful." "It worked. I also can't feel my leg." "I'm going to put this boot on you, Boot, so that I can carry you to the bed with out causing anymore damage." I fastened the boot securely on her leg thanking God, her ankle wasn't broken in more than one place and neither was her leg, before wrapping an arm around her back and the other holding her legs still and hoisting her up into my arms. She looked up at me and blushed. "Wow Boot. You're light as a feather." "Well thanks I guess." I could see her eyelids drooping. "Go to sleep Boot. I got you." I said softly. I watched as she let her eyes close and felt her breathing even out. I carefully placed her on the bed and removed the boot, before quietly getting everything I needed to cast her leg and ankle. I put a towel down under her lower leg and grabbed the stockinette and gently pulled it up her leg cutting it in the appropriate places. I grabbed the gauze and wrapped it around her leg and ankle and when I finished with that I put the splint on the back of her foot and ankle and wrapped more gauze around her leg and ankle and foot before grabbing the bucket of warm water and the rolls of light yellow casting tape on the table above it along with a pair of latex gloves. I pulled the gloves on and opened the first package of casting tape. I picked the roll up and held it under water for a few seconds before squeezing some of the water out of it and beginning to roll the tape over the gauze and around her leg and then her ankle and finally her foot. I grabbed the second roll and did the same thing with it before turning the top of the stockinette down over the top of the cast and turning the part at her toes up and over the cast as well. I threw all the wrappers and packaging in the trash can and took the gloves off before deciding to paint her toenails before I signed her cast. I looked through the selection of nail polish bottles until I found a light blue polish that I thought looked good with the light yellow cast. I found a design tool and grabbed the bottles of white and yellow nail polish and walked back into the bed room. I sat down at the end of the bed and opened the bottle of light blue nail polish and put two coats of that on her toe nails and waited for it to dry. When it was finally dry, I grabbed the white nail polish and the design tool and painted white daisies all over her toe nails and after they dried I put yellow dots in the middle of each and everyone of them. When they were completely dried I put the nail polish away and cleaned the design tool before putting it away and changing clothes. I got an ice pack and a pillow. I propped her leg up and put an ice pack on top of the cast and got up and pulled the covers over her before sliding into the bed beside her and falling asleep myself.

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