Going Home

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We had been given the okay to leave the safe house about two weeks later and I immediately took Lucy to the ER. Once she was given the all clear thanks to my handiwork I drove us to my house and we crashed until about noon when I was woken up by the sound of someone aka Lucy vomiting into my toilet. I hopped up and held her hair back for her and rubbed her back. "Do you think you ate something that didn't agree with you or do you have the stomach flu or what?" I asked when she was finished heaving. "Must have just been something I ate. I think I'm fine now though. I need to call Tamara though." I sighed and helped her up and to the couch before heading to the kitchen to make her some chicken noodle soup out of a can. "Hey Tamara." "Hey Luce, how's Officer Zaddy?" "About Tim, I need you to go to the drug store and grab me something. Now I know this is a lot to ask of an eighteen year old but *iyay eednay ouyay otay etgay emay ikelay eethray oryay ourfay egnancypray eststay andyay opdray emthay offyay atyay im'stay aceplay asyay oonsay asyay ossiblepay . ."* "Oh my God! Lucy, oesday acksonjay owknay aboutyay isthay etyay?" "obodynay owsknay otnay evenyay officeryay addyzay ." "iyay otgay ouyay ucelay . oday ouyay eednay anythingyay elseyay ilewhay i'myay outyay?"  "openay. Your the best T. See you later."*  She hung up and I placed a bowl of soup in front of her. "Was that pig latin?" "Yup. She's going to stop by in a few and drop off some pepto bismol for me." I shook my head and sighed. "ucelay iyay owknay igpay atinlay . iyay owknay ouyay askedyay orfay eethray oryay ourfay egnancypray eststay . You could have just told me. I wouldn't have been mad." "I'myay orrysay imTay." "It'syay okayyay. Iyay understandyay ywhay ouyay ouldway antway otay eepkay ityay otay ourselfyay untilyay ouyay ewknay orfay uresay ." She fell over onto my chest sobbing and wrapped her arms around my middle. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly as I rested my chin on top of her head. "I'm so sorry Tim. You don't deserve to have to deal with someone who is such a mess." "Yeah, well I don't want someone else put together, I want Lucy Chen, baby, mess, and all." "I love you Tim Bradford." "I love you too Boot." we stayed snuggled in each other's arms until the door bell rang. "Delivery for Mrs. Officer Zaddy!" I answered the door and Lucy let out a snort and then burst out laughing. "What?" "Nothing, Mrs. Officer Zaddy." She threw her head back laughing again and I just rolled my eyes as I opened the door. "Officer Zaddy! Hi! Can you give this to Lucy it's some pepto bismol." "amaratay iyay owknay aboutyay idfordkay. iyay owknay igpay atinlay. ucylay ayssay ankthay ouyay andyay apparentlyyay ymay ewnay icknamenay isyay adfordday." "Kidford and Dadford, nice job Luce." "Those weren't my ideas T. They were Dadford's." "Well then you're actually kind of the cool Dad. Can I come in?" "Woah! Back up a second. Did you just call me Dad?" "Yeah. Why? Is that not okay?" "It's more than okay kiddo. Come here." I held my arms out. She barreled into me and I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly. "Aww. Wait does that mean I'm momford?" "Uh? Yeah. Duh!" 

So as explained by Dadford himself the strange language being spoken is Pig Latin. Just google Pig Latin translator and copy and paste it because I have to finish typing a MacRiley fic into a google doc so that I can then transfer it to AO3 and it would take me a million years to write out the translations, I will tell you this though, if you've ever seen Monster's Inc , when Sully crashes Mike and Celia's date at Harry Housens he tells Mike to Ooklay in the agbay because Boo was in there. Which translates to Look in the bag. Basically you take either the first letter or first and second letters of the word and put them at the end of the word and add either yay or ay or tay. So Pig Latin in Pig Latin would be IgPay AtinLay and Officer Zaddy would be Officeryay AddyZay. I will leave the links to the translators I had to use below for you. 



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