A Tinkerer and a Festival

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After the attack on the USJ, the students were allowed a day off to recover from the incident. While most students would embrace their day off with games, fun, and friends... however. the riders were more worried than usual. Mostly due to the new powers Haruto and (y/n) had now and the issue of the new found relationship of Mina and (y/n). The issue was the fact they most likely had to hide it from their families. Both had families been hoping the two got together for years. Now that they are finally going out, the familial teasing alone would be agony. They created the mutual agreement of "keeping it a secret". They had to not show their relationship at school or else it would be the talk of the school. After that kiss, both of them thought that was going to start them acting more... "couple-y". The two were walking back from their day out of trying to enjoy a proper "date" but the whole thing felt more more like them just messing around without any sort of romance behind it. It was simply them just being themselves.

(y/n): That movie was nice.

Mina: Yeah but the twist was so easily seen. 

(y/n): Why cant the butler be the one who is innocent for once. At least the maid kicked some serious bu-

Soon they saw a racoon dog walk up to them and Mina was melting about how cute it was.

Mina: Awwww~ Look at it~ It's so cute~

(y/n): It is really fluffy

 Suddenly, both heard a bit of rustling in a bush and a gleam in a pair of eyes coming from the opening. 

?: Heheheheheheh

Suddenly a goggled eyed person with a blank looking bottle burst out of the bush towards the fluffy animal


The animal scurried off and the figure was revealed to be a somewhat scientist looking teen with goggles on 

The animal scurried off and the figure was revealed to be a somewhat scientist looking teen with goggles on 

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?: Aw man. Looks like no essence for tinkering. 

Mina: Who are you?

?: Eh no one important. Just a support division student of UA. Not noticed... which is all good! I like U.A! Ya part of it too?

(y/n): Oh! Were part of the hero course and 

?: Oh wow you're really pink! *gets close to mina* Its really interesting to see someone with a unique skin tone~!

Mina: Uh... 

?: Oh man! This is so cool! I wonder if my quirk has anything to do with my fuzzy appearance!

(y/n): So... who are you?

?: Oh I am known as Yu Nar-

A sudden explosion occurred with a large villain walking out of a bank 


Yu: Oh goodie goodie! Now I can get to work! 

It's not pink! It's magenta! Mina Ashido X Childhood friend Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now