Infiltrations and Familiar faces

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The next day, Mina and (y/n) made their way to U.A and tried to keep their guard up for any riders. Unfortunately, they were being swarmed by reporters on the campus.

Reporter: Please tell us what it is like to work with All Might! 

Mina: Well uh... He's...

(y/n): Please leave us alone... Lets go Ashi...

Mina and (y/n) soon powerwalked away from the mob of reporters until they got inside the building. they caught their breath and made their way to the classroom. 

(y/n): Seems like the word of All Might teaching here spread like wildfire.

Mina: Well looks like that's not the only news this morning~ 

(y/n) and Mina looked at Haruto who was tapping his foot with a blush dusting his cheeks.

(y/n): Looks like someone had a nice time with Itsuka

Mina: I think he's in love~

Aizawa walked into the classroom

Almost instantly, everyone was seated and at full attention.

Aizawa: Now... Good job on your combat training, I just have a few notes to go over. Bakugo. You are very talented, don't sulk over your loss

Bakugo: Whatever...

Aizawa: Mydoria. You settled training by breaking your arm again huh? You cant keep saying that you don't have control of your quirk, that excuse is getting old. Once you fix your control issue then there will be a lot you can do.

Izuku: Yes sir!

Aizawa- Alright... now to homeroom business, sorry for the late notice but I will have you...

All of class 1-A- (Thinking: Take another special test?)

Aizawa- ...Decide on a class representative

Class 1-A- (Thinking: Oh good, Just normal school stuff)

Almost instantly, the entire class erupted in chaos. Each classmate yelling out that they wanted to be the class representative. (y/n) really didn't care about the whole thing. It was probably for the best. He always had trouble speaking to people, let alone an entire class. Suddenly, Tenya yelled as loud as he could to gain the attention of everyone

Tenya- Silence please! It is a job of serious responsibility to lead others. Not just a job for someone who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you. If we want to use a democracy to decide on a true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one

(y/n)- But your hand is raised the highest... And you're standing on your desk.

And so an election took place. Many did vote for themselves but the end result surprised everyone.

Izuku Mydoria - 4

Momo Yayorozu - 3

Izuku- I got four votes?!

Bakugo- Why Deku?! Who voted for him?

(y/n): Looked out of  the corner of his eye and he smirked 

Aizawa- Then the class rep is Mydoria and the deputy rep is Momo Yayorozu...

Izuku- S-S-Seriously?

-Time skip to lunch-

Soon, lunch rolled around and every student from the Hero, Support, and Management courses met in the lunch hall, which made it more packed than usual.

Haruto, Mina, and (y/n) sat at their table and started to eat their food while discussing their classes and recent votes of the new class president.

It's not pink! It's magenta! Mina Ashido X Childhood friend Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now