Chapter 3

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~ Dreamland , Annie's P.o.V~

I fell and hit my head pretty hard against a tree.

My back hurts, everything hurts in general, and I can only see fire, and hear the screams of other people.

'W-where am I..? What's going on?!'

I don't know how did I get there, but this all seemed wrong.


I hear a voice call out to me, my vision cleared and I could see a naked giant approaching me, what was that thing?!

Suddenly it's body fell limp and steam started shooting out of the wound on it's nape, I could see a girl wearing some weird gear, she had two swords and she hurriedly came to my side.

Beautiful silk black hair, a red scarf.

"M-mikasa? What's going on?"

She quickly took me off the ground, hugging me deeply, I swear I felt a few tears.

"Annie.. you're alive! I thought I lost you!"

Mikasa then went in to kiss me, I felt a bloody red blush creep up on my cheeks as she kissed me deeply.

I stood there in shock before she helped me on my feet.

"Are you okay? Does your head hurt?"

I looked her straight in the eyes. "What's happening? what are we doing here?"

She stopped for a second and just looked at me as if I was going crazy or something.

"Annie we're in the middle of a battle against titans, you must've hit your head pretty hard."

'So that's what those things are called.'

I sighed and rubbed the back of my head. "Mikasa I-" I then heard a roar and everything went black.

~ End of dreamland ~

I quickly shot up and then my alarm went off.

I was drenched in cold sweat, I could feel my sports bra and shorts sticking to me.

I looked around, for a moment forgetting how to even breathe, and then I turned off my alarm and looked at my hands.

"W-what the heck was with that dream..? Why was Mikasa there?"

I Asked so many questions, but no answers came up.

I shrugged and got out of bed.

'I feel so gross.'

I quickly grabbed a towel and headed straight to the shower.

I turned on the water, maybe a really hot shower will help with this headache I woke up with.

~ Narathor's P.o.V ~

Annie walked into the shower, letting the water damp her hair, she then grabbed her shampoo and started washing it quickly.

Time went by, when she got out of the shower she wrapped the towel around her waist, and then walked into her room.

The woman dried herself then got dressed, she was wearing her plain white hoodie, a black skirt, some thigh highs and white converse, it was september but it still wasn't cold outside.

Tonight was Connie and Sasha's party, she knew Mikasa was gonna be there, so for some strange reason she couldn't wait for class to end.

She walked downstairs, but little did she knew that the other two men she was living with were making out near the front door.

'Great, now I owe Ymir 10 dollars.'

That lesbian bastard, always betting on money for whatever, even if it was the smallest of things.

The woman coughed and signaled to the clock on the wall.

"Move you gay asses. We are gonna be late."

She thought Bertholdt had a heart attack when she came in, she was happy for the two boys, they did like each other after all.

Reiner just picked Bert over his shoulder and then tossed the truck keys to Annie.

"It's your turn to drive today."

The blonde sighed through her nose and then went to the drivers seat, of course since Reiner is gigantic compared to her, she had to adjust the seat to be able to reach the pedals on this thing.

"Hold tight boys, we are going to get coffee first."

And then the trio headed off.


It was now Annie's last class, both Ymir and Historia were sitting beside her, the taller woman was on her phone, not paying attention at all while her girlfriend tried forcing her to take notes.

Annie was just scribbling the important stuff down, this class wasn't that important anyway.

Her mind couldn't help but wander off to a certain 5'7 brunette named Mikasa, their little sparring match from last night played in her mind over and over again.

The way they pinned each other down over, and over again- Shit. She could feel herself getting turned on just at the thought of the other woman.

Sometimes, Annie's mind would wander off, it would go back to her High-school days, back when she used to like Hitch.

I mean, they were roommates, and they did date for about a month, but that was a month after graduation, Hitch broke up with her through a letter.

More exactly, an invitation to her and Marlo's wedding. Annie wasn't hurt at first, but after a year, it all hit her, of course she cried, but what could she do?

She didn't make Hitch happy, and right now she's happy with Marlo.

Enough with the past, Ymir pulled on Annie's ear, waking her up from her daydreaming.

Historia looked at her concerned for a second, before deciding to brush it off.

Annie knew that the slightly taller woman was smart, she most likely knew what was going on, but she just couldn't ask.

"Ymir, maybe go home and take a shower before the party. You stink."

The cold blonde told the other woman while looking her dead in the eye.

Ymir of course just smirked and leaned on Annie.

"Maybe try to wash yourelf too, since you might hook up with m.i.k.a.s.a~!"

Annie was fuming at this point, she punched Ymir in the gut, took her bag and left to go home and get ready for the party. 

She still couldn't help but think about Mikasa, she knew she had developed a crush on the tall athlete, but this was just too much.

She met up with Reiner and Bertholdt, she didn't know what to wear so she just asked the two boys to help her choose an outfit for the ocassion.

"Oh c'mon Annie! It looks so good on you, have a little more confidence."

The woman just huffed and crossed her arms, not making eye contact with the much taller man.

"Says you."

Annie was wearing a black croptop, with tight highwaisted black jeans, her favorite boots and an oversized green military jacket that was nost likely stole from Porco, a friend of hers.

She had to admit that she did look badass with these clothes on but her pride would never let her admit it.

Reiner and Bertholdt were looking really good too, they had slightly matching outfits.

"Of course you gay asses are matching."

The tallest of the trio just blushed slightly. 

"Guys, it's time to head out." And so they did.

A/N : Sorry for literally not uploading at all! School's been a bitch, and I also had to look for a new editor, stay tunned for the next chapter guys!

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