Day 4

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A/N: Happy New Year!!


Today was the day everyone is leaving the house and returning to their normal lives. Luke had to inform the guest and his family that he and Jamie were no longer together, though everyone was devastated they offered Luke comfort.

Dani on the other hand hadn't left her room or eaten since the night before. She wouldn't even talk to Theo who she'd always gone to when she was upset. "Dani I need you to eat please." Nellie said pleading to Dani. Nellie somewhat understood why Dani was upset she just never knew the full story. Nellie crawled into the bed grabbing a hold of Dani hugging her. Dani again started crying still not saying a word to her closest siblings. "It's okay... It'll be okay" Nellie said lightly giving her sister little affirmations here and there.

Theo came into the room seeing how Dani clearly wasn't doing better. "Anything?" Theo asked silently at Nellie who just shook her head no. "Why don't I stay with you guys for a bit." Nellie said trying to be there for her little sister. "Is that okay?" She asked looking at Theo who just pointed towards Dani. "Hey Dani is it okay with you? Just nod yes or no" Nellie said sweetly looking down at her little sister cuddled in her arms.

Dani gave a tiny nod saying yes. Nellie let out a breathe of relief she had held in while waiting for her sisters answer. "Alright why don't we we get you cleaned up and pack your stuff." Nellie said getting up from the bed. Dani pouted but then listened when her sister was pulling her arms trying to get her up. Theo packed Dani's stuff while Nellie made sure Dani would be okay during her shower.


Once Jamie reached her apartment she started packing all of her things not really knowing where she would be going. She looked for plane tickets to wherever and bought a ticket London. She then drove to the college to get a transfer to a college in London. She called her landlord and gave him the house keys and everything. She then got to the airport boarding to London.


Once Theo, Dani, and Nellie made their way inside their apartment Dani immediately went into her room. Nellie and Theo both looked at each other with concern on their. "Am I going to know what happened or just comfort her not knowing how?" Theo didn't want to tell Nellie but knowing Dani hadn't said anything in almost a day decided she would tell her. "Sit down I'll grab us a drink" Theo said and that is just what Nellie did waiting for her sister to tell her what happened.

After Theo told Nellie what happened Nellie was left with wide eyes and mouth opened. "So your telling me all that happened in less than 3 days?" Nellie said shocked and Theo just nodded. Nellie got up walking towards Dani's door. "Where are you going?" Theo asked. "Now that I know what happened I'm going to do my best to talk to her if you want you can come." Nellie said entering Dani's door.

"Hey I was wondering if I could talk to you? You don't have to say anything just listen." Nellie said sitting on Dani's where Dani could see her. Dani just gave a small nod still not saying anything to her siblings.

"I'm really proud of you, you know. I mean you discovered who you are and helped someone else do the same too. Though it could've been under better circumstances I'm so proud of you. I want you to know I love you no matter what, and you did nothing wrong." Nellie said with her eyes becoming a bit shiny from tears. Dani then finally said "I love her... and she left." Tears streaming down her face again. Nellie immediately went to Dani and held her in her arms. "I know, but it's going to be okay. She may come back she may not but there's no answer to that right now." Nellie said comforting her sister. "Thank you." Dani said tears slowing from the helps of her sister. "Always." Nellie said right as the door opened again to Theo coming in.

"Mind if I join?" She said sweetly asking both Nellie and Dani. Nellie just looked and Dani looking for an answer from her. "Yeah." Dani said looking and a shocked Theo but happy her sister was talking again. Theo then join them on the bed hugging her sisters and giving Dani a small kiss on the forehead. "You'll be okay." Theo said she looked into her little sisters eyes as Dani nodded. "So movie?" Nellie said to clear the silence. Both Dani and Theo nodded as Nellie put on a movie.


Jamie reached London at around 19:00(7:00pm) so the first thing she did was get a hotel. Once she got her hotel she had to wait for it to be prepared so she went to the pub next to it. She sat at the bar and darker skinned man with a fairly large mustache came up to her. "Hello the names Owen, what can I get for you?" Owen said kindly drying the glass Jamie would be using. "Jamie, and any whiskey please." Jamie said putting her arms on the table to rest her head. A few seconds later she felt a drink being place on the table "Thank you." She said kindly looking at Owen.

"So clearly you aren't from around here but still have a slight accent so what brings you back?" Owen said intrigued to know the girls story. "Atlanta, came back to escape." Jamie said not knowing why she's telling a stranger about her life. "Interesting I'd like to know more. You plan staying here long?" He asked intrigued by Jamie. "Probably don't know where else I'd go." Jamie said slightly upset. "Well their a flat right above my pub for sale if your interested. Me and my girlfriend Hannah live in the base floor downstairs." Owen said smiling towards Jamie. "I'll look into it don't really have any money to pay rent." Jamie said realizing she needed a job soon. "You can work here, your of age." Owen said. "Really, that's very kind thank you. I might just have to take that offer." Jamie laughed as she drank her drink.

Around two hours later Jamie began to get tired. "Alright I better head to my hotel." Jamie said getting up from her chair at the bar table. "Alright come back in soon so we can work out when you'll be working, and you better look into that flat!" Owen giggled and Jamie was heading towards the door. "I will I'll come in tomorrow night." Jamie said as the door closed to the pub. Jamie laughed to herself thinking how easy it was to find someone and something so quick.

Jamie entered the room she was staying in and headed to the shower to prepare for bed. Once she finished showering she dressed into her sleep clothes and slumped onto the bed she would be sleeping in. Minutes after being in the bed Jamie had fallen asleep after a long day.


Both Nellie and Dani had fallen asleep during the movie. Theo was happy that both of the girls were able to sleep. She thought of how she hadn't seen Nellie sleep so peaceful in so long from her constant nightmares. Theo decided she would stay with them since it was already midnight, though her room was just across the hall she didn't want to risk waking either of her sisters.

Theo pulled the covers up and tucking them on Nellie and Dani them herself. She turned of the tv and took off her gloves. Curious to what her sister were dreaming of she touch their hands. Nellie was dreaming of Kart racing with her family and enjoying her happy moment of winning the race. "You would never win the race in real life" Theo thought as she quietly giggled. She then let go of Nellies hand and touched Dani's. Dani was dreaming about a life with Jamie and their possible future together. "Hopefully one day she'll get the love she deserves. She gives so much and deserves the world, both of them do." Theo thought slightly frowning because her little sister are having such a hard time and she can't really help them.

Theo then put her gloves back on getting comfortable in her little sisters bed. Dani had a strangely large bed so it fit all three of them with bits of space in between all of them. Though there was a lot of room the three girls cuddled together giving comfort to each other and receiving it. Just as Theo got comfortable she fell asleep from exhaustion.

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