Track 6: Flying Solo

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A/N A little early today but I hope you enjoy! This one's pretty long!

Daisy and the band poof to the side of the gym, away from the crowd as Julie handles damage control.

"That's wild. They could see us when we were playing, but not when the music ended," Luke says.

"We should double-check." Reggie runs up to the stairs leading onto the stage, turning his back to the crowd he swivels his hips. When he turns back around he notices the highschools didn't see him. "Yeah, I don't... I don't think they can see us."

"I wish I couldn't see you," Alex mumbles. Daisy starts to giggle while Luke looks to Reggie in disbelief.

"Maybe... maybe you should try again Reggie," Daisy says, spinning her finger around. Luke's head snaps towards her as his face scrunches up in disgust. He shakes his head before looking forward again. After winking at Daisy, Reggie does the same.

The crowd starts to thin out as the students head back to class and two brightly colored girls are arguing over something Daisy can't hear. Reggie has walked over to stand next to them and is attempting to flirt with the one dressed in purple. Daisy feels a clenching in her chest, but just shakes her head and ignores it.

Daisy jumps as loud bangs echo through the gym. She glances over to see a kid pulling a large case down the steps, much larger than the kid himself. And there's Julie, sitting on the edge with Mrs. Harrison and the Principal standing in front of her. Daisy didn't know what to make of the look on their faces and began to grow nervous for her friend. Before she could go over to her, Luke places his hand on her arm and poofs them out to the hallway.

"Don't do that!" Daisy yells out turning towards the boys. "You can't just poof away a girl without warning her first, Luke!" His eyes go wide as he places himself behind Reggie and Alex.

"Calm down flower," Reggie says. Daisy snaps her head to him at the sound of the name. His own eyes go wide as he throws his hand up in the arm. Baking up he stumbles into Alex. "Woah, you are much scarier when you're mad than Luke is."

"Hey, I can be scary!"
"No, no you really can't," Alex says to Luke. Daisy rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Why are we still here? You should have just taken us back to the studio. Julie doesn't like it when I show up at her school, I can't imagine she'll be too happy we're all still here," Daisy huffs.

"Nah, she'll be fine. Oh! We should do a pyramid to surprise her," Luke says. He grabs Alex and Reggie's shoulder and shakes them. They both nod in agreement, which only makes Daisy sigh even louder. Reggie and Alex help Luke up onto their thighs while Daisy leans back into a set of lockers.

"Julie also doesn't like it when we scare her, and this will definitely scare her," She says just before Julie rounds the corner. The living girl's face is downcast, her lips turning slightly down as she nearly folds into herself.

"Julie!" The boys yell. The girl flinches.
"You! Stop doing that!" Julie says. Daisy pushes away from the lockers and towards the other ghosts. Luke jumps down to stand between Alex and Reggie. "I'm serious."

"Whoa! This one's all on you. We were already here. Well, actually, we were over there, and then we came over here." Reggie rambles in an attempt to calm Julie's anger, Daisy notices he tends to do that a lot. The boys look at him in amusement as Daisy watches. Unknown to her, Alex notices the fond look on her face.

"Are we now gonna talk about what happened?" Luke says, turning back towards Julie.

"Yeah, the whole school saw you. It's kinda freaking me out," Julie says. Daisy walks over to stand behind her. She can't touch Julie, but she always makes sure Julie knows she's there. And to be honest, it's kinda freaking Daisy out too. She had never thought anyone would be able to see her again besides Julie.

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