Track 8: The Other Side of Hollywood

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A/N here's chapter eight guys! Sorry it's a tad late. I write in Google Docs and transfer it over so it takes awhile. Especially on long chapters like this. 3040 words, WOO! Enjoy 😊

Other songs mentioned in this chapter:
Sober by TOOL

Daisy and Luke sat there in her old bedroom for hours flipping through her songbook. But when they finally come to the end, Luke learns something new.

"Hey, what's this one about?" Luke says pointing to a page titled "Sober."

"That's uh not important, you'll like the next one though, look," Daisy says, reaching to grab the book and turn the page. But before she can Luke pulls it further away from her.

"There's a shadow just behind me, shrouding every step I take," Luke reads. "When did you write this? Why did you write this?" Daisy can tell he's starting to freak out.

"It's really not that big of a deal Luke, I wrote that ages ago."

"Not a big deal? Daisy, this is some really deep stuff, it's a big deal."

"I wrote it forever ago when things weren't so great, but it's not a big deal anymore. I'm fine now," Daisy tries to reassure her brother.

"Are you sure? Because you know you can talk to me about anything, I'd even listen if it had to do with boys, or girls whatever you're into." Daisy lets out a small laugh at Luke's rambling.

"I'm okay, Lu. And there aren't any boys or girls. I like both," she says.

"Really? Because I thought you liked Reggie? I mean, I've seen the way you look at each other, there's definitely chemistry there."

"What? Chemistry, with Reggie? Pfffft no, of course not. What about with you and Julie?" Daisy drags out Julie's name. "You have serious chemistry, so you'd say when you sing with her."

"Don't change the subject, Daisy. And wait, did you just call me Lu?" Luke's head tilts slightly to the side.

"Yeah, is that a problem? I won't call you it again if you don't want me to."

"No, no, no it's okay!:

"Alright, well we should get back to Julie's. I'm sure she's almost home from school by now."

As soon as they poof back into the garage, where Reggie had also just entered, Julie comes storming in. She marches up to the piano where Reggie is leaning and hands him a flier. Daisy and Luke give each other a look before moving to stand on either side of Reggie.

"We're playing a school dance? Sweet!" The leather-clad boy says. Daisy smiles up at him watching his excited expression.

"It's not exactly the strip."

"And you're not exactly alive, so maybe you should be happy we have our first gig." Daisy lets out a loud laugh as Reggie reprimands Luke.

"I wasn't in love with the idea at first either," Julie says while watering some of the plants sitting on the back wall. "But it could be a great way for us to build a following, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. We need to play wherever we can, whenever we can."

"Absolutely, my band's first gig was at school dance too. It's how Riot got most of our fans," Daisy agrees with Reggie.

"No, you're right. Let's rock those kids' faces off and then play the clubs," Luke says.

"And then record a single that gets a billion streams?" Julie suggests.

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