Track 13: Unsaid Emily

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A/N I'm sad. This is sad. But what else can we expect out of Unsaid Emily? Something major gets revealed here as well, I've left a few Easter eggs throughout the story leading up to it so far. It's a bit of a parallel to a fan theory that I've seen many times. Also, the songs a joke, sorta. Hope you enjoy!

Other songs mentioned:
Goldfish Crackers by Gold Revere

"Hey," Reggie's voice calls out. Daisy turns her head to see him walking towards her. She was laying in the pathway leading towards the garage. The boys had been somewhere, doing whatever it is they do when the girls aren't around. "You alright?"

"Yeah," Daisy says. "Yeah, I'm alright."

"Really?" Reggie asks, not believing her. "Don't think I haven't noticed that when you get a moment of silence, you tend to overthink things. Come on, tell me what's going on."

"It's just," Daisy sighs. "Don't get me wrong, I love performing with you guys, but...."

"It's not the same without your friends," Reggie says. "I know. But what can I do to help." He lays down beside her, their shoulders touching as they watch the clouds.

"You already do," Daisy turns her head to him. "All you guys. I miss my friends, but you guys make it bearable."

"Especially me, right?" He jokes.

"Yeah, " Daisy says quietly, dead serious. He looks over at her, and as they lock eyes something clicks.

"You know," Reggie whispers. "I didn't have a lot when I was alive. Just Alex, Luke, and Bobby. They kept me going most days, but I think you might be my favorite."

"Your favorite?"

"Yeah. You're always there for me, always willing to listen. So, if you ever need someone to listen to, you can come to me."

"Also don't be scared to talk to Luke or Alex either," he says after a moment. "They'll listen too."

"I know. Thanks."

They lay in comfortable silence for a while before Reggie sits up abruptly. Daisy sits up with him, confused.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Come here," he says holding his hand out to her as he stands. "Let's dance."

"What? But there's no music?"

"I'm sure we can manage, we are both in a band after all."

With a laugh, Daisy allows Reggie to pull her up and into his arms. They sway for a moment before Reggie begins to hum. Daisy lays her head on his chest, just enjoying the moment as he begins to sing.

Goldfish crackers when I'm tryna fake a smile, and then

Black coffee when I'm tryna walk a mile

Red velvet cake is when I'm thinking bout the aisle

And DOTS when I feel I haven't seen her in a while

Daisy lifts her head to look Reggie in the eyes, confused by the lyrics. When he just winks she begins to giggle. They dance carelessly for a few verses before Reggie suddenly stops signing.

"You know," he says. "If I could eat, that's what'd I'd eat." Daisy starts to laugh at the absurdness of his statement but stops when she sees the look in his eyes.

"Oh yeah," she lets out another giggle. "Well, since you can't eat, what are you gonna do?"

"This." He doesn't allow her to say anything else as his lips meet hers for the second time. Only this time, there isn't anyone interrupting. When they pull apart they don't say anything at first. They just stare into each other's eyes.

RIOT: Julie and the PhantomsWhere stories live. Discover now