Track 15: Stand Tall

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A/N This is so late, I'm so sorry guys. This morning was incredibly strange, I'll explain more at the end. For now, here's Stand Tall. Hope you enjoy!

Daisy was worried. They had been in the dressing room at the Orpheum for twenty minutes, and the boys still hadn't shown up. The two girls had changed already and were now applying their makeup, but Daisy's hands were shaking too much. For a ghost she sure was scared.

"They'll make it, right?" Daisy asks, placing a tube of mascara down as she turns to Julie.

"Of course," Julie says. "They wouldn't miss it." The living girl didn't sound so convinced, and that only worried Daisy more. She tried to distract herself by looking at herself in the mirror. Julie had convinced her, once again, to match with her.

Daisy was dressed in a pair of black jeans with a lace bralette and a cropped purple blazer the same color as Julie's dress. She had dutch braided her hair, intertwining colorful thread into them.

"Hey, Julie. I've got your roadie," someone says through the closed door a few minutes later.

"Come in." A stagehand leads Flynn into the dressing room. Daisy had plopped herself onto the couch in the room, her legs thrown over the side as she leans her head on the armrest.

"Holograms are good to go boss," Flynn says as she walks in.

"Best roadie ever," Julie smiles.

"I'll be back in a few minutes to walk you to the stage," the stagehand says.

"Thanks, Rob," Julie tells him. Daisy hadn't bothered to learn his name before, he couldn't see her anyway.

"You see this backstage pass," Flynn beams. "I had sushi with Brandon Urie!"

"Good for you. I threw up in the car on the way over here," Julie says causing a snort to make its way from Daisy's throat.

"Not just in the car," Daisy jokes. "That bathroom too." Neither of the living girls react, granted Flynn doesn't even know she's there.

"And you still look amazing," Flynn complements.

"I made friends with the tech crew," Flynn says. "You're gonna love what we have planned." She looks around with a grin. "The guys are here, right?"

"I haven't seen them," Julie says, placing a makeup brush on the table. "Just Daisy." she points over to where Daisy was sat, the ghost waving.

"Wait," Flynn says. "You don't think they changed their mind and took Caleb's offer, do you?"

"No," Julie shakes her head. "No, that's the last thing that they wanted." They both look down with sighs, making Daisy stand and move to their sides.

"You're gonna kill it," Flynn says as she gabs Julie and leans over her shoulder.

"She's right," Daisy says. Julie looks over her other shoulder to see the ghost standing with her arms wrapped around herself. "We're going to kill it, and the boys will be here."

"We should get some snacks," Flynn says after a moment. Julie nods in agreement and the two living girls walk out of the room. Daisy stays behind, she can't eat anything so there isn't any point in her following.

Daisy wanders the room, it was the same dressing room where she and RIOT were on the night she died. They had done a few renovations and changed up the decor but Daisy still remembers the couch they were sat on. The dark brown fabric couch had been removed and a black leather one, but it was still in the same place.

Daisy could remember the fear she felt when her vision started to go dark, she remembers Rane and Lara panicking. Their faces as they raced to her side when she collapsed. Rane was the one to catch her, and they held onto her until someone came to help. Daisy remembers Lara racing out of the room, screaming for help. People had stormed the room not long after, but Daisy doesn't remember who or what happened next. She passed out before the ambulance had arrived, and the next time her eyes had opened was when she was in the ambulance. Rane and Lara were beside her, but she didn't stay awake long, and then she was staring into the eyes of Julie.

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