🖤 Vendetta Ⅴ 🖤

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He kept Ver's words in mind as two of the four mongrols got them some food. The one that wore the blue coat had given him some pills. He would've snapped at him but the pain in his side was slowly starting to burn. So he took them with little hesitation. The white-haired mongrol handed them their plates.

His sister thanked them and started to eat. No hesitation at all. He watched her and readied to catch her if she were to drop. "Aren't you hungry?" The white-haired mongrol asked him. He turned towards the two across from them.

"You're really tense," the mongrol with blue glasses said. "I promise there's no poison in it." He waved his hand towards the food.

Ven looked towards his sister. She simply smiled at him. Her food coated her face as he sighed. Grabbing the utensil before saying a silent prayer and taking a bite. Ven couldn't taste anything off with the dish. Which of course he wouldn't be able to taste anything if they mixed it all properly.

Surprising, neither of the two mongrols said anything about being right. They all just ate quietly minus the mongrols mentioning something about cooking.

"Your name's Vendetta, right?" The white-haired one asked. "Your sister said you had some questions for us."

He rang his head for his questions but was drawing a blank. Scratching an itch behind his ear he spoke, "I'll ask when I remember them. All this sleeping made me forget."

"Oh." He said as he took another bite.

'What's that supposed to mean?' He thought bitterly. "Where are we anyway? And I mean what planet are we on. Not what building we're in."

"The inhabitants call this planet Earth. But it's Meedan," the white-haired mongrol said, looking a bit thoughtful.

Ven's eyes twitched. 'So he's a neighbor. Or a foreigner? No, he wouldn't know that we called this place Meedan unless he came from the other side.' He took another bite of his food. "So you're from the other side too?" He asked.

"Yeah! He came through the gate earlier this year, Ven!" His blockheaded sister smiled with her cheeks filled with food.

"Ver, please eat your food before talking. You're going to choke," a familiar voice came through the door. Ven looked up and saw both of the men from the other day. The red-eyed one making his way over to her as she started chewing. Thankfully with her mouth closed. The red-eyed man wiped her face with a cloth before sitting his stuff somewhere behind the couch. "Good to see you're awake. How are you doing?" He asked as he pressed his freezing hand against his face.

Ven flinched away a bit. "Your hands feel like ice! " He barked as he rubbed his cheek. He couldn't stand the cold. If he had it his way, he would've bitten his hand off for how cold it was.

"Apologies. We walked here," he said as sat beside them. "How are you both doing?" His tone was cautious now.

'He probably just doesn't want to get bitten.' He thought smugly though he made sure to keep a straight face.

"We're good, Mr. Kazama! How was your night?!" She asked after finally swallowing all the food stuffed in her cheeks. Though Ven couldn't help but be baffled at how casual his sister was with these people. Especially this Kazama guy. Granted he had been sleeping a lot so she was probably blubbering her mouth to anyone who would listen and the poor man was probably her target.

"It was quiet. I had some paperwork to do so I went to bed a bit late," he said as the buff man came back.

Ven gripped his pants leg as another spasm of pain shot through him. Gasping, he hunched over. Spilling the plate on to the floor as the surge quickly spread throughout his body.

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