🖤 Vendetta Ⅵ 🖤

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He laughed as his sister was panting on the ground. Twenty rounds straight and he was sure that he had won most of them. He dragged his sister by her cape until they got out of the training room. "What's the final score?" He asked.

"Final score, fifteen to five. Good job Vendetta! You too Vermellia," Usami said as Kazama stood up.

"Thanks Usami," his sister said, still panting.

"I thought you would be more in shape than me. Come on, we should go another twenty rounds!" He said. Stretching his arms, he couldn't believe his sister was already tired. He should be the one that's tired. Since prior to today, Reiji barely allowed him to walk around on his own. Which had irritated him to no end but Reiji kept doing it anyway.

"You weren't moving around as much. Plus you're smarter than me," she argued as she finally caught her breath. "No fair!"

"Oh, it's fair. You just suck," he smirked at his sister.

"Okay, you two," Kazama spoke up. He handed them each a water bottle. "Here. Take a quick break."

"Thank you Kazama!"

"Thanks," he said as he took one of the bottles.

"You staying the night, Kazama?" Usami asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, it's going to be storming pretty hard. I don't want to walk home."

She nodded as he noticed Vermellia jumping for, what he assumed was joy. Rolling his eyes, he took another long gulp of his water. His side started to feel warm again. He pressed his hand against his wound and muffled a hiss. It still aches a bit but not nearly as bad as before.

"You okay Ven?" Usami asked.

"My side is aching a bit, but I think i'm fine."

"Let me see," Kazama said as he knelt down.

He lifted his shirt up a bit to let Kazama look at it. "It looks like it's just a bit irritated. You'll be fine."

"Shouldn't he be resting?" Reiji's voice drifted into the room before the large man walked in himself.

"He's fine Reiji," Usami said.

Vendetta couldn't understand why Reiji was so worried about a healing wound. He decided to shrug it off and take a longer break for now. Maybe they were done for the day for all he knew. "It's almost healed. So it should be fine for me to move around."

He looked hesitant but nodded. "I guess so."

"Bro's fine!" Ver cheered as she sat down. "Reiji, he beat me during our spar matches! So there's no need to worry!"

"Oh, did he?" Reiji said, looking towards Usami. "What was the score?"

"Fifteen to five!" Usami said. "Vendetta definitely has a ton of potential to be a future captain someday."

He chuckled at the praise. Patting his sister's back after she lowered her head. She wasn't good at hiding her embarrassment. Not at all. In fact, he would go as far to say she straight up sucked at it.

"Vermellia has some potential as well, but she doesn't seem as focused as her brother." Usami added with a bit of a smile.

Vermellia looked defeated at her words. He kept his mouth shut. His words wouldn't help at all. Why would they? He was the better fighter. At least for now. She could have been holding back for him. It was possible that her muscle memory wasn't strong like his. But he's not sure if that's how it works.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way Vermellia," Usami tried to correct herself.

"It's fine Usami," his sister muttered.

Oh great. Now he was starting to feel worse.


He had gone to bed early per Reiji's insistence. Vendetta didn't really care about what Reiji personally thought but decided to follow through with it. Until he felt someone shaking him. He groaned as he opened his eyes. "Do you mind? I'm trying to sleep here."

"Sorry bro," his sister said. "But, I'm scared. Someone is watching us and they haven't left in days."

He sat up and wiped the sleep from his eyes. Glaring at his sister for a bit before taking a moment to think about it. 'How would she know about them? If they were watching them, where would she be able to see them?' He sat up slowly. The calm rain was hitting his window. Almost like a quiet lullaby. "How do you know?" He asked through a yawn.

She looked away. "There's always an itch and some kind of emotion whenever someone is looking at me."

He let out another yawn and pushed her aside. Sliding off the bad quietly, "Can we find them from within the building?"

"I think so," she said. "I know I saw them while I was on the roof one time."

He looked towards the window. While the rain was calm it would be hard for them to see anyone from a distance. "Let's check the kitchen balcony."

She nodded and led the way. Ven had a ton of puzzle pieces but not really a clear picture. He could tell that his sister had some sort of Side Effect, a thing that Ven had managed to remember about. Though he doesn't really know what his sister's was exactly. He'd have to talk to her about it later. They made it into the kitchen and she pointed straight ahead.

"They're on one of those roofs," she said.

He nodded and tried to focus on everything in front of them. He saw a faint gleam of light but couldn't be sure of what it was. "I saw something, but I can't be sure what it was," he said. He saw her hands shaking a bit from his peripheral. "You scared?"

She nodded.

"Let's go," he said as he turned towards the door.

"Go where?"

"We're going to go find them and question them. They're not going to get away with making you scared on my watch," he said as he made his way towards the front door. Ver was quick to walk by his side as they made their way out the front door.

He let her take the lead as they made their way down the road. The rain began to pick up a bit as they ran down the road. Ver's hesitance wasn't hard to see through the rain. Even with the whole memory loss thing, he could see that was probably just something she wasn't good at.

She slid to a stop and pointed towards the building. "They're somewhere in here."

"Okay, lets go," he said, but stopped. "Or do you want me to check it out and you wait on the ground floor?"

"I'm coming with you," She said, standing beside him.

"Alright. Let's search."

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