🖤 Vendetta Ⅳ 🖤

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Ven had woken up to the two men with the addition of his sister, a tall brunette, and a white-haired runt. He pushed himself up slowly. Thankfully the pain was more or less numb at this point. Vermellia hugged him tight with a few sobs.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

He nodded and patted her head. "I'm fine now," he reassured as he pulled away and sat next to the window. "I've got questions."

"We may have the answers," the brunette said with a smirk.

Ven glanced towards the newcomers and pointed. "Who are you two?"

The brunette threw up a weird hand sign before he spoke, "I'm Yuichi Jin. A power elite."

"And I'm Yuma Kuga. Nice to meet you." The white-haired runt said.

"Same...I guess." He said as he gave each of them a quick glance. "Where is here?"

Ver gave him a weird look, which made him groan as he was reminded of his sister's stupidity once again. "Where is here in relation to where we had fought those warriors?"

The look that his sister gave him realized with a shiver that she had no idea. "Ummm...I-I-"

"You mean Border agents?" The white-haired shrimp asked.

"I don't care what they're called. They attacked us and nearly killed us," he snapped before turning towards his sister. "Did you at least keep in mind where we fled from?"

She looked away from him, clearly upset as she fumbled with her words. It was Kazama who stopped them. "Vendetta, was it? You need to take a deep breath and calm down. Before you faint again, we're just as confused as you and your sister but being enraged isn't going to help anyone at all."

Reiji had then decided to put his two coins in. "Give her a break. She's been scared this whole time. If you two need time to talk we'll gladly give it to you."

Ver turned to the four nuisances. Or probably friends in her case. "C-Can I talk to him alone?" She asked. "If he hurts himself I'll let you know."

The four nodded and one-by-one left the room. He gritted his teeth trying to bite back his anger. His sister turned back towards but before even opened his mouth she placed her hand on his chest.

"I can't remember anything before we were attacked," she said, shaking even more now than before.

"What can you remember?" He asked after letting out a breath and calming down a bit more.

"My warrior name is Vermellia, you're my twin brother, and we ran away but after that everything is blurry," she sobbed.

Ven ruffled her hair a bit before pulling her into a hug. He decided to think about his own memory and figure out what he could remember. Besides their names, his mind was still fuzzy on the details but a few did stand out. 'We came through a gate, so we don't belong here. But if we ran away then where do we belong?' He wondered as he slowly patted her back. They had to be around seven or eight just basing it on their heights. Maybe they needed more time to think about it? "Are you scared?" He asked.

She met his gaze. "You're not?"

"Of course not," he chuckled and puffed out his chest a bit. "Besides I gotta watch out for you. Especially if what red-eyes said was true, then can I really afford to be scared when you're already a mess?" He laughed as she bumped her head into his stomach.

"Don't forget, I got you here!" She reminded him with a pout.

"Yeah, yeah," he said as he made his way towards the edge of the bed.

"Where are we going?" Ver asked as she jumped off the bed.

"To find those four. I still have questions and being in this room any longer is going to drive me crazy," he said as he walked towards the door. He could feel his own body shaking a bit from the pain but ignored it. He let out quiet breaths with each step he took. Ver pulled him close to her. Putting his arm over her shoulder and leaning onto her more.

"We should get you some more medicine too," she said as she pushed the door open and led him towards some stairs.

"Medicine is glorified herbs. You can't rely on them all the time or you'll get addicted," he panted as they reached the stairs.

"But you're struggling!" She raised her voice a bit.

He was starting to see black dots. He could hear footsteps as he tried to shake it off. "What are you two doing?!" One of the four nuisances spoke up.

"He wanted to talk to you guys. But he didn't want to be in the room-"

"I'm fine!" He said as he forced his eyes to stay open. "The room is too stuffy anyway."

"Fine but he's resting on the couch," Reiji said as someone picked him up.

"I can-"

"No, you can't. Stop pushing yourself. You two are safe here," the red-eyed man as he rubbed his back. Ven didn't struggle much when he felt his head gently being pressed against whoever's shoulder. The scent was soothing. Mint mixed with something else.

"Wh....ever..." he muttered and relaxed against his shoulder.

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