🖤Vendetta Ⅶ🖤

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A/N: I'm sorry this took so long to get out! I hope you enjoy it~

'What am I going to do with that idiot now?' He thought as he kept walking. Ignoring the pain in his back from the bastard that sent him flying. He should've dragged her along with him but he knew her injuries were probably going to catch up to her soon enough.

He groaned as he came to a stop. His own injuries were starting to ache again. "Thanks bastard." He leaned against the wall and lifted his shirt. His bandages weren't red yet but he was sure that it would happen later. Or sometime today. He let it go as he took another deep breath.

"Are you okay?" A guy asked him.

He sighed and looked at the men. There were two of them both with bright red uniforms. One with short dark blonde hair and the other with jet black hair. "I'm fine."

"You sure? You look pretty hurt." The ravenette said, leaning down to him. Just as Ven let go of his shirt the guy pressed his hand to his forehead. "You're burning up. My name is Jun Arashiyama and this is my teammate Mitsuru Tokieda. You should come with us and rest up a bit."

Ven sighed and looked around. "Why should I trust you? Last time I talked to one of you guys I got sent flying."

"Oh you must be Vendetta then, huh?" The dark blonde said. He must've had some kind of mindreading Side Effect because he kept going as soon as the thought came to his mind. "Izumi told me that a kid had ticked off Miwa."

He vaguely remembered who was even there. Not like they really mattered. "Still doesn't answer my question."

The dark blonde nodded. "It's pretty quiet in there right now. You can take a nap if you like. Or are you hungry?" The ravenette said with a smile that would put the sun to shame. It was almost too much and they weren't even doing anything.

"Sure. Fine," he sighed as his hand drifted back to his side. It would be a pain to find food anyway.

"Do you need help walking?" The ravenette asked.

"I'll be fine on my own," he pushed himself off the wall. With a single step, he fell to his knees. The pain in his back and side seared through him. Whatever strength he had just left him like a gust of wind. Cold hands lifted him up and into someone's chest.

"Don't worry I got you," the ravenette said as he looked down at him. That smile infuriated him a bit but he just closed his eyes.

When he opened them again it was thanks to some girl's voice. "I heard from Mikumo that Mr. Kazama and Reiji were going to be responsible for them. So why did they let him get beaten up by Miwa?" A girl with short dark purple hair said.

He gritted his teeth. "He was talking crap and couldn't handle it when his feelings got hurt." Putting his hands behind his head. Readjusting a bit, he heard the girl make an agitated noise.

"Talk tough for someone who sent flying."

"No duh I was sent flying. What did you expect? Thought I weighed like a ton of bricks or something."

He glared at her but couldn't help but be peeved at the look that Jun was giving him. Like he was happy about this. But Jun lightly tapped her shoulder which for whatever reason made her walk away. With a smile, Jun sat beside him. "Are you hungry or do you just want to rest?"

"Water's fine."

"Sure thing," He walked over to a small kitchen area and quickly walked back. "Here you go, Vendetta."

Ven tried to push himself up but winced when he put some more weight on his side. Jun didn't seem to hesitate to help him up. Ven took the cup and drank it as fast as he could. "What do you want from me?"

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