💙 Vermellia Ⅱ 💙

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She managed to lose them in the confusing mess of rubble and crumbling houses. Deactivating her trigger, she trekked through the mud and rain staying close to the shadows as she made her way back to the fight. Determined to make sure her brother was okay.

Giving her pursuers the slip was the hardest part since there were so many of them. But she remembered what her brother had told her. 'Use your size and traits to your advantage.'

"Stay close to the building. Use your hair to hide." She reminded herself as she pressed herself against a dark corner outside of another building. Besides the rain and fight filling the air, Ver noticed the chilling silence. Every house and building she passed was the same. Empty. Abandoned. Destroyed. Deserted. Some of the buildings that were built were drenched and crusted in blood. But nobody but they were in the area.

She let out a breath. As she finally found the battle, Ven was under one of the men's boots. Gun pointed at his head.

"For someone who talks a lot, sure can't back it up now can ya?" The man with narrow red eyes said.

She couldn't hear what her brother was saying from the distance but could guess he was spitting some sort of insult at the man. By their attackers growing enraged expressions. She had to be quick and do something!

Ver climbed into one of the buildings through a window after activating her trigger. Through the window, she could see all the warriors but not too clearly thanks to the rain. She needed to get all of them to back away from Ven. She held out her hands and fired off several bullets towards the group.

They jumped away and she bolted to her brother. Aiming all of the place just to by her time, she grabbed her brother's arm and dragged him back to the building she was hiding in.

"Idiot! Why did you come back?!" He growled as he struggled to his feet.

"Because I was worried!" She said as she hugged him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, i'm fine. One of those mongrels has some kind of weight trigger. I can't run with my trion body." He said as he looked behind him and deactivated his trigger. Grabbed her hand and dashed out of the building the same way she came in. "Come on! Let's get out of here."

"Okay," she said as she tightened her own grip. Keeping up and helping Ven get through the cluster of buildings and rubble. "We need to head for the lights! I think this area is their war zone."

He nodded and kept running. She didn't dare look back. Not when she knew they were close. Even though she found her brother, he was leading the way through the light rain. The light of the city was still really far away though.

Ven halted to a stop when two of the shadows landed in front of them. She gripped his hand as the moon shone down on them. The two warriors held prideful smirks. One had dim blonde hair and golden eyes. The other had black spikey hair. While his companion twirled his weapon, the dark blonde stepped towards them. "Let's get this over with Yoneya. I want to get back to Tachikawa as soon as possible."

"Yeah. Just not too motivated to fight a bunch of kids." The other, Yoneya, said.

"Umm, excuse me?" she spoke up. She stood in front of her brother, twiddling with her fingers. "W-Why...why are you attacking us?"

They looked dumbfounded. "What are you talking about?"

"We're lost and we haven't done anything that would procoke an attack."

"Provoke, blockhead." Ven corrected with a groan.

"Sorry!"' She apologized with a timid smile.

Their attackers looked a bit off guard. "What are you?" Yoneya questioned.

"I mean, she's right." Izumi said. "Miwa did technically attack first."

Ver lowered her hands and vaguely moved her right hand. Though her gaze focused solely on the warriors infront of her. She took a few steps closer. If she could by time for Ven to escape, then she would swallow her shaking nerves.

Ven let out a noncommittal noise.

"It doesn't matter. Let's get this over with." The dark blonde said as two large trion cubes formed under his hands.

"Don't have to tell me twice." The spiky haired boy said as he aimed his spear. Ver gripped her cloak as she took a few steps back. Then jumped back when he lunged at her. Bolting down the nearby alley as she heard several of them running after her.

Ven was quite a distance ahead but had stopped and waited for her. Reaching out his hand and grabbing her before running by her side. She almost didn't notice that he was in his trion body again or that he had cut off the arm that had the weight trigger.

She looked back. They were closing in on them. "What do we do now?!" She asked.

"I saw a gully up ahead! Once we pass the barbed fences, we just have to book it!" He shouted but the shots being fired were causing the building around them to crumble around them. Some were even collapsing.

A trion bullet shot through her as she tripped. Ven pulled her forward and ahead of him. "Run faster you dolt!"

Everything started to blur into one another as the sounds of explosions started to melt into one another. She could hear her heart beating louder as the lights got closer.

Clink, boom, boom, bang.

The next blast sent us both flying forward. She coughed and hacked. The harsh landing made her dizzy. She could taste blood but pushed herself onto her feet again.

"V...Ven?" She gasped.

He laid close to the fence. Breathing feebly but she could tell he was still alive. Shaking, she dragged her brother under the barbed fence and towards the direction of the gully.

The rushing water was relieving to hear. They'd be safe soon. She lost her footing and tumbled down the hill with her brother. With a gentle thud, they slipped into the chilling water.

But she did not let go of her brother.

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