HELLO AGAIN! (Mostly) Good news

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Hello there folks! Happy (late) holidays!

I am kind of back to this series (sorta). I am dealing with a lot of IRL irl surrounding college and my future, but that's not something I am going to discuss at length. I am also still writing my other work, Ordinal of the Rebellion, BUT that's also not what I'm here to discuss.

What I am here to discuss is that I am planning on rebooting the Call Me V series.

Now hold up! Don't get your pitchforks and torches just yet. I know I had some good things going already. Rest assured, some of the original concepts already introduced will make a return, and a good amount of the ideas and plot points I had for Volume 3 onwards will be the same with some minor adjustments.

Examples of things that will stay the same:
1. V isn't technically Vergil

2. Nero and Dante will be in the series

Examples of things that will be changed:
1. V and Nero's backstories. It's a bit convoluted so I'll be taking them to the drawing board to smooth things out more

2. The first book will have some parts in common with the original, but man, looking back I really did suck at writing. (Still kinda do, but I got much better by comparison). To be fair, Volume 1 of RWBY is kinda bare bones, but hopefully my rewrite should make the first Volume a bit more filled out and interesting with less terrible writing.

The main reason I want to do this is because looking at both the first 2 installments (especially the first one. Yikes!) as well as my planning for future installments, I realized that it was just too messy with a lot of issues and just generally wouldn't work out well, especially with V's character among other things.

There's a lot of stuff I want to fix and change and I can't really go too much in detail here. Just know that I will be working on getting some "trailer" chapters out for Volume 1 eventually much like the old Red, White, Black, and Yellow trailers to hopefully give you a taste of what's to come.

That said, I will be leaving the originals up as they still hold a bit of sentimental value to me as my very first works.

I get I'm a bit of a rollercoaster when it comes to motivation for my works among other things and this might seem a little confusing, but I just feel this may be the best choice to satisfy both you the readers and me the author.

Well, that's the newest edition of my word soup I call an announcement that honestly might not get across everything I want to say. Anyway! See you all (hopefully) in the reboot. Stay safe everyone!

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