Guess who's back? (announcements)

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Back again

Meta's back

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In all seriousness lads, I've FINALLY almost finished writing the first chapter of the rewrite of the Call Me V series.

(I scrapped the "trailer" chapters idea because it ended up being a needless mess that I couldn't figure out how to do well enough, so I cut right to the chase.)

I'm going to be honest and admit I've been having some issues with depression, isolation, and writers block over the past year, but I'm on the road back to recovery and I think I'm finally ready to get back to this series' rewrite!

The new book will be titled: Vermillion

Besides the aforementioned mental health issues and real life stuff, I've also gone through like four different rewrites of the plans of this story and it's characters. Eventually, I settled on the current cast and plan to have a four person team from the get go.

There's a decent amount that will be changed, especially in regards to Nero and V's lives before the events of the series. The other two teammates will be recognizable to some in appearance, but they'll be pretty modified in terms of character (especially one in particular...)

Anyway, the plan is to work on Vermillion, Ordinal of the Rebellion, and possibly a third fanfic interchangeably so as to try and keep myself fresh without burning out on a particular story. I will try to update them as often as possible, but college means no guarantees on consistent schedules for that. Still, this story ain't dead yet!

I guess that's all for now. Have a wonderful day ladies and gents, and I'll see you soon!

Falling (working on revisions)Where stories live. Discover now