Mission 1: Vytal Festival

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Dreams are said to be created from parts of memories, with locations, objects, and individuals that are drawn in some part from reality or fiction.

So why V didn't recognize his surroundings from anywhere?

He stood in the middle of a field with a man kneeling across from him. The disappearing bodies of Grimm were on the horizon, as well as an unconscious Huntsman farther away. V held a katana in his hands and he wore a blue jacket in stark contrast to the longsword and red jacket of the other man.

Dante? V realized, recognizing his sword and distinctive hair despite his much more adolescent appearance, But then, who am I?

"Why do you refuse to gain power?" a voice came from V's mouth, admonishing Dante as the red jacketed demon hunter stood up, "The power of our father, Sparda."

Sparda? I remember that legend, V thought, But what does this mean?

"Father?" Dante let out a dark chuckle, "I don't have a father. I just don't like you, that's all."

Dante charged forward, clashing blades with whatever individual V was viewing this event from. The two struggled to push each other back, fighting for dominance until V disarmed Dante, flinging away his weapon and stabbing him through the chest with his katana.

"Foolishness, Dante," he drove the sword further into his stomach, "Foolishness. Might controls everything, and without strength, you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself."

V withdrew his katana and flicked off the blood on the blade as he allowed Dante's body to fall to the ground.

"Let this be a painful lesson to you, brother. Until we meet again," V said as he turned around and slashed the air twice in a cross pattern, opening a portal and walking through it.


V woke with a start and glanced around, finding Nero to be absent from the room. Light shone through opened curtains, indicating it was a beautiful morning.

What the hell was that?

V groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes. He looked to the bedside table to find a folded piece of paper. Hopping off the bed, he picked it up, unfolded it, and began to read:

Yo V

Couldn't wake you up. Already on my way to the tournament. Our first match isn't until a little later, but don't forget that Ruby and her team are fighting at 10. Don't want to miss your girlfriend fighting, right? :)

I'll be in section A-113. I'll save you a seat.


(Cue the music in the video above. If you can't play it, listen to Alive by Warbly Jets)

V's eyes shot open as he remembered the day. His head swiveled to look at the clock.


"Damn!" V cursed as he scrambled to grab his clothes.

As V threw on his pants, Griffon appeared on his bed post.

"Running a little late there, sleepyhead?" the bird mocked him. V shot a glare at him as he donned his vest.

"Go make yourself useful and get me a piece of toast or something," V shot back, now putting on his sandals.

"What the fuck do I look like to you, a—AUGH!"

V picked Griffon up and threw him out the open window, calling after him, "Just do it!"

That was a little rude, but I'm in a hurry! V lamented as he grabbed a comb and fixed up his hair in the mirror.

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