Oh really

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Kimora POV
Life is good so far but I'm going on a date with prodigy. I was walking to my car. Then I got a call from crystal. She said she her cousin Corianna was coming over her house later.so I said I will be there. I got to Gia Dano's And I saw prod siting at a booth talking to some girl. I walked over and sat down.
Prodigy said " wassup kim"
"Hi prod." The girl then said "see u later baby"
I looked at prod like he was fucking slow. He gave me a " wtf I do now"
I just walked to my car and when inward about to open it I bumped into Roc
" Srry roc I was just heading home."
" It's cool, but can we hang some time."
"Yea, how bout Toma"
"Yea, ight see u tomorrow."
After tht I went to crystal house and saw the whole squad. They was talking and shit so I just started talking too. Then Princeton/ Jacob squad came in. Also prod so I just walking up stairs to crystals room. I sat in her bed and watched teen titans go. But then prod came in there and said
" Why did u le-" (gco by me)
" I left bc yo ass petty, and before u say some shit I clearly dgaf about u. So TWOS btc."
He just walked out. Like thank god he didn't say nothing. Then crystal came in.
" What did u do to him"
" I told the truth to his ass"
" You got tht nigga in his feelings and shit. He was like " I didn't do shit.like I didn't mean to hurt her feelings and shit. I didn't like her anyway." She said as she laughed.
"I honestly don't care Bc he petty"
"Wat happen"
I told her the story and she was laughing
" Why u laughing"
" Bc niggas slow."
" Ikr but I'm finna Change"
I went in the bathroom and took my clothes off. I only had on my underclothes. Then roc opened the door. ( she still has bruises from the rape.) he came and hugged me
"Um roc are u ok"
" The question is are you ok ba- Kim"
" Yea, can I change now"
" Awe yea. See u toma"
" Ight."
I changed and went to bed.

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