Part 7

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Ofelia Luciana Pérez, born 7 April 1980 in Medellín, Antioquia Colombia, was the youngest of 5 children to Mariana and Jander Pérez. Feli grew up with four older brothers who loved and protected her, in addition to teaching her how to fight and defend herself. Her two eldest brothers, father, and uncle were all in some way affiliated with the Medellín Cartel founded by Pablo Escobar. 

Feli's mother Mariana wanted a better life for her three youngest children and for that reason she fled with them to Florida shortly before Escobar was killed in 1993. Mariana found that life in Miami was still not what she had hoped for, and when Feli graduated high school she decided they would move further north. The boys decided to stay in Miami and Mariana and Feli found their way to Va, where Feli started her freshman year at Hampton University and ended up in my dorm room. 20 years later, she's still my best friend, and also my boss. 

About 24 minutes later, Feli came walking around the back of the house and bounded up the stairs to the deck. "I'm heeeereeeee" Feli said/sang when she reached the top step. "And I got some wine, too. I'll get glasses." I smiled. I love Feli like a sister. We had been roomies at HU and the rest, as they say, is history. 

When I first met Feli, she was 5'2, maybe 95 lbs tops, most of that being the long thick black mane of hair that fell to her waist. Her small stature, plus her wire rimmed glasses gave some folks the impression that she was soft, gullible even. And I would just sit back and watch as she shattered all preconceived notions, broke several hearts (and a few noses) and hurt feelings all four years at Hampton University.

"Feli, bring some food out here! I shoulda asked you to stop by Pollards. I'm starving." I yelled out to Feli from my chaise. When Feli came out she brought some fruit, cheese and crackers. I wanted comfort food and this was not it. But I thanked Feli and dug into the strawberries and pineapple chunks piled on the serving plate. 

I felt Feli staring me down as she was opening a bottle of sweet muscadine wine. "No, Feli." I said without looking up. "No what? Damn, I didn't even say anything!" Feli replied, in a tone that confirmed she was indeed about to say something. "I was just wondering if you were gonna fill me in more about Angela." Lies. Lies. Lies. But I'd much rather talk about Angela than my own fucked up situation.

 "Well. The neighbor called me and said the mom's boyfriend may be sexually abusing her. He doesn't have proof. But you know when you get that gut feeling you're probably right." Feli nodded as she poured wine in each of the glasses and set one in front of me. "The thought of it triggered me. Hard." I sipped slowly and continued. "I hate that it still fucks with me." I didn't plan on talking about me, yet there we were. Feli tilted her head thoughtfully.

 "Of course it fucks with you. What happened to you was terrible and if I had been there, I would have cut all their dicks off! I'm sorry you went through that and you still struggle with it. Are you still seeing that shrink? The one that called you a hoe?" 

Feli choked on her wine as I threw a handful of pineapple chunks at her chest. "You raggedy bitch!" I couldn't help but laugh. "SHE didn't call me a hoe, Ofelia.  You did. But yes, I still see her once a month. And what she said was that the incident caused sex to no longer be a sacred thing in my eyes, so when I cheated on Ed it didn't affect me emotionally at all. And I was using the infidelity to get Ed's attention. Which is pretty much correct." I nodded my head matter of factly as I continued to sip and grabbed a fat strawberry from the tray. "I'm fucked up, what can I say? I embrace it." 

Feli rolled her chestnut eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. She wanted to disagree with me, but after many years of having this conversation, Feli decided to save her breath this time. Instead, she picked up the pineapple chunks (that I had so lovingly thrown at her) and tossed them over the deck into the spacious back yard. 

"You wanna light the fire pit and hang out for a bit, My?" Feli asked hopefully, desperately wanting to change the subject from me being "fucked up". It sounded like fun, but I was tipsy as hell from the whisky and wine. "Nah girl. I'm tired. I just need a rest. Today was a long one. And I've got a lot on my mind.  Feel free to stay here as long as you want, though. 

Feli decided to sleep over, claiming she was drunk and didn't want to take the chance of driving home that way. But I know her real reason for staying was in case Ed came back to cause trouble. I doubted he would, but Feli being the overprotective person that she was, would always try to make sure the people she loved were not in danger. I appreciated her so much. Aside from Ed, she was the only family I had.

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