Part 20

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Before I knew it, it was the day before my scheduled biopsy. And although I was nervous about the outcome, Feli and Mariana had helped me to relax and put things into perspective (as usual). Mariana was in my kitchen making the empanadas I had requested and Feli was right next to her, for quality assurance of course. I relaxed in my favorite spot on the spacious deck.

I felt better about Angela's situation after my visit with Erica, even more so after seeing she and Sam reconcile. It gave me hope for their safety. Hopefully Erica would go back to allowing Angela to spend time at Sam's. I still was unconvinced that Andre wasn't abusive to both of them in some form. And I knew he could return to the house at any time. Thankfully Griff was still making the rounds and hadn't seen anything unusual since last week.

I could hear Mariana and Feli arguing in Spanish before Mariana appeared with a platter of hot flaky empanadas. "OFELIA. Esto no es para ti, gilipollas! Perro codiciosos que eres! Aye!!" Mariana was only half joking but I laughed the hardest I had laughed in weeks.

"Maya do you see how my mother speaks to me? Esta bruja de mierda!" Feli said "mierda" with such distain I was surprised she was still standing. Feli was a tough woman, but her mother definitely had her beat. "Ofelia you have been eating like a grown man since you were 8 years old. I blame your brothers for encouraging you to eat so much, they would charge their friends to watch you eat! And somehow you never grew out of it. You still do not eat like a normal person. It's a wonder you're not 500 pounds, mija" Mariana stated, her voice filled with concern.

"I just have a high metabolism, ma. No worries. If I was gonna be 500lbs it would have happened a long time ago. And if by chance I do become 500lbs I will just move back in with you and let you take care of me. It will be just like old times." Feli quickly grabbed another empanada from the platter and stuffed it into her mouth. I couldn't help but laugh when Mariana slapped her hand.

"Maya I made enough empanadas to last you a couple days but Ofelia...." Mariana shrugged her shoulders. "It's ok, really! I appreciate you guys just being here for me. Y'all are the only family I have and the only reason I don't feel completely alone in all of this," I said. "Thank you."

Mariana smiled and Feli trotted over to me for a hug. I love these ladies like they were my own flesh and blood. "Hey have you talked to Ed? Has he been around at all?" Feli asked as she ate yet another empanada.

"I haven't. I think he's giving me space and I definitely need it. Should I tell him what's going on? I mean, he's still my husband for now. I just don't want him to use this as an excuse to try to move back in, ya know?" I had considered talking to Ed but had decided I would at the very least wait until I received the results from the biopsy, which would take a few weeks at best. Mariana and Feli agreed. Well, Feli actually said "Fuck Edward", but Mariana agreed that I should fill him in out of courtesy once I knew exactly what was going on.

Before Mariana left, she prepared a spiritual bath for me and handed me a small brown paper bag when Feli wasn't looking. "Maya this is something special for you, don't let Ofelia see it. Eat it right before your bath. You will feel relaxed and have a good night's sleep." Mariana kissed my forehead and yelled goodbye to Feli as the front door closed behind her.

As I undressed for my bath, I unwrapped the small package to find a dense, sweet smelling brownie. Immediately I knew what it was and chuckled. I sat on my bed and savored every bite of the sweet treat as I thought about the procedure I would have the following morning. The soft glow from the candles on each corner of the tub drew me into the bathroom. I eased myself into the tub gently, as not to plash water anywhere. The smell of the gardenia and palo santo oil was heavenly. There were many different herbs and salts in the tub but I could pinpoint only a few ingredients. I closed my eyes and let myself be enveloped by the smells and the warmth and my body began to tingle as the magical brownie took effect. 

I can't honestly say how long I was in the tub, but it was long enough for Feli to notice my absence and come knocking on the bathroom door. "Maya! What are you doing in there? Are you ok? You got five seconds before I kick the door down!" She shouted.

"The door is unlocked Feli, please don't break my shit. I'm fine. Your mom gave me an edible and I'm stuck like Chuck right now," I responded. Feli laughed. "Oh ok pothead. Don't drown. Mariana would blame herself for your demise. And then use brujeria to bring you back to life."

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