Part 16

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I decided to drive through London Oaks on my way to the office, since I hadn't heard anything else from Griff or Sam. I wasn't shocked to see only a few residents milling about outside, considering the time of day. The pile of broken furniture at the curb did catch my attention, however. Although there were few people around, I decided to call Sam instead of knocking on his door.

"Hello Miss Davis," Sam said quietly. His voice sounded strained and it made me worry. "Hey Mr. Sam, are you ok?! You sound exhausted!" I replied, my voice filled with concern. "Yeah, I reckon I'm alright. Just a bit tired. I was gon' call ya but hadn't gotten round to it yet. That no good snake Andre showed up at Erica's house last night while her and Angie was gone. Tore up all of the little bit of stuff them girls had. I helped Erica move it out to the curb this mornin after Angie went to school. Just got back in the house a few minutes ago."

"Did they file a police report yet?" I asked, but already knew the answer. "No ma'am. File a report for what? His name is on that house too, and he had a key, he ain't break in." Sam sucked his teeth with disgust. "I got a list of things they gonna need, and I got a little money saved up. We gonna get them straightened out. I won't see Angie suffer for this foolishness. She don't deserve it and neither do Erica."

I hoped Erica and Angela realized what a good neighbor they had in Mr. Sam, he was more like a surrogate grandad. "What do they need?" I asked. I could call in some favors if need be, or help them out myself. I just had to be slick about it... You know, rules and all.

"Well, he broke all they living room furniture and took every bit of food out of the house. Broke Angie laptop she uses for school. Destroyed all they clothes. Yeah he was real busy while them girls was gone. Mad 'cause Erica told him she ain't want him to come back." I could tell Sam was getting angry all over again.

"Ok Mr. Sam, I have some people I can reach out to also that can help. And I'm going to let Griff know what happened as well. I'd like to see a restraining order against him. And a destruction of property charge on top of that." I was heated. And there was nothing like some justified anger to get me motivated and forget about my own situation for the time being. "Angry" always helped me get things done.

I drove to the ATM to pull out some cash to leave with Sam for Erica to get groceries. Erica didn't know I had spoken to Angela, and I didn't know if now was a good time for her to find out. So I asked Sam not to tell either of them it was from me. I had a laptop at home that I wasn't using. I would restore it to factory settings and drop it off with Sam sometime later in the day after work. Sam said he had some folks from Habitat for Humanity that would help with the furniture that was destroyed.

When I got back to my office I called Griff and filled him in. He promised to stop by and talk to Erica later, to try to convince her to press charges and file a restraining order. Griff wasn't really hopeful that Erica would do it, but he promised maximum effort. We both knew it was best to cut off all contact in this kind of domestic situation. But when you find yourself directly IN that type of relationship, setting boundaries and cutting ties is much easier said than done. I knew this from personal experience.

Feli knocked on my office door lightly before entering. "Hey My. How was your appointment? How are you feeling?" I motioned for her to come in as I was hanging up with Griff. "It was good, informative." I pointed at the stack of brochures and notes on my desk. "I do have a biopsy next week on Tuesday. Can you take me and pick me up?" I asked sweetly. "Girl yes. I got you. Did your doctor say "see you next Tuesday" before you left?" Feli thought she was so funny. "No ma'am, he did not. Because he is a professional. Stop being such a see you next Tuesday." I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"I do have another question for you, Feli.  If I get proscribed medical pot, is that ok?  Does that affect my job status in any way?" This time Feli rolled her eyes at me. "If you smoke pot you bought from a white boy named Tyler in Ghent, it does not affect your job status.  Because I don't piss test anyone.  Now, if you happen to be in an accident while you are on the job, the state might require a urine screen.  In that case, lo siento pero I cannot help you.  it would be best if you did get a medical card though, in case something ever happens."  Good to know.  

"You could smoke now if you wanted, My. Mami always has pot. She uses it during her brujeria bullshit. She says the spirits like it, but I think she just likes to get high and uses the spirits as a cover." Feli sifted through my stack of documents from Dr. Stubbs as she continued. "I remember her smoking with my father before we came to the U.S. She can't lie to me, I know she a old school pothead."

I laughed in disbelief. Never would I have imagined Marianna smoking pot, and I had known her for 20 years. Just goes to show, you never can tell. "Well, the next time you guys come over, tell her to bring it. I'll see if it relaxes me or just makes me paranoid. And she's gonna have to cook too.  Mmmmm. Empanadas, pandebono y arroz con pollo.....  What y'all doing this evening??" My mouth was watering already and I realized I hadn't eaten yet.

"Now you're making me hungry, Maya. We can grab some lunch in about an hour. I'll text mami and tell her what's going on.  She's gonna want to see you soon, I'm sure. Think about where you want to eat, my treat today." Feli said, as she stood up to leave my office. I added lunch to my mental checklist and reminded myself to restore the spare laptop as soon as I got home. "I've been craving Pollards chicken for a minute. That's exactly what I want. And remind me to fill you in on Angela's situation. Her mother is in need of help also." Feli nodded. "10-4 My. We leave at 11:30ish. Be ready. I'm fucking hungry."

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