Late (Julie)

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Julie rushes into the gym taking her spot next to Flynn, "Nice of you to join us Ms. Molina." Julie quickly apologizes to her teacher and stares down Flynn.

"Why didn't you wake me up! I missed my first three classes," Julie starts her warm up.

"Last night you said you never wanted to show your face again. I am a very literal person."

Julie sighs, "It's okay, it's the boys who I'm really mad at."

"You should be! They left you at the dance," Flynn gives Julie a comfort smile. "Talking about the dance have you seen Nick today?"

"No. I really don't want to either," Julie looks at Flynn, "After what happened at the dance, I'm glad we don't have this class together."

They both bend over into another stretching position, "Yeah, at least you won't see him."

Julie looks between her legs and see Nick and the rest of the lacrosse team come into the gym. "What? Are you kidding me?"

Flynn who is behind tries to see what Julie is seeing, "What?!"

"You've got to be kidding me!" Julie and the rest of the class stand up and focus on the boys who just entered the room.

"Okay class, the lacrosse team is going to join us for a few weeks. Some of you may not know, but many athletes use dance as a way of coordination and balance," their dance teacher explains. Julie and Flynn look at each other in confusion. "The boys will learn a dance with us and we will perform at the end of the week. Okay, now pair up!"

Julie's eyes widen as Flynn walks away to spit up, "No! Don't leave... me."

Nick approaches Julie, "Hey."

"Heyyyy... you," Julie draws out both words. The teacher calls the attention of everyone going through the dance motions.

"So about the dance..." Nick starts to say and Julie tenses up.

"Yeah I was thinking if we didn't talk about it, it would be like it never happened." Julie keeps dancing and realizes Nick is kinda good. "Wow! You're pretty good!"

"I should hope so. My little sister tends to throw a lot of princess dance parties," he replies laughing. The laughing some what warms Julie's heart. The choreography starts to get harder and Nick falls, "Are you sure you want to be my partner?"

"No, I want you," Julie says, she realizes what she says, "... to be my partner. Let's just try it again."

They start dancing again, "You are way better at dancing. You probably have more experience."

"You never danced with Carrie?"

Nick sighs, "Nope. And I never will. We broke up."

Julie panics, "Oh! I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I mean if couldn't tell she isn't the nicest person."

Julie laughs, "What?! Carrie? Not nice?!" Nick laughs.

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