take my jacket (take my whole heart too)

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wc: 2.1k. 

written: 9.8.20

✧·゚: *✧·゚: *✧·゚: * 

It's late, it's cold, and you're annoyed.

As you work your way down the darkened streets of Queens, you can't help but kick sourly at some of the rocks on the pavement, frowning bitterly as you watch them fly across the road. The small cracking noises they make as they bounce off the tarmac isn't enough to make you feel completely better, but it does feel a touch cathartic to put some of your energy into furiously kicking the small stones, and the longer it goes on for, the looser you feel.

It's been a rough night. You were supposed to be meeting up with a guy for your third date, but he'd never shown. It was a shame; you'd really liked him, and you were getting to that point where he'd constantly be on your mind. For him to stand you up - not even reply to your messages, and leave you sat in that measly Italian restaurant alone for two hours - was heartbreaking.

But that's in the past. Now, all you care about is kicking the stupid rocks across the road as you hurry home, the slight bite in the air causing you to reach up and rub your upper arms. You're wearing a dress - it was new, not that that mattered now - and it stops just over your shoulders, and whilst it was perfectly appropriate in a restaurant, now you're traipsing through the chilly streets at eleven at night and you're beginning to feel the cold.

You walk for a few more minutes without disturbance, and with every step, you try to release some of the angry embarrassment trapped within your body. A part of you wonders if you'd done something to chase away the new guy, but you try to press that thought down. As far as you know, things had been going well - more than well. He was cute, and funny, and really, truly sweet. You pause in your thoughts to chuckle. How sweet can someone really be if they stand you up, just as things start to get exciting?

You're trapped amidst your scathing thoughts when a sudden figure appears in front of you. When you notice him you startle, and then immediately go to punch whichever sorry stranger decided to interrupt your seething, only to stop when you realise who it is stood in front of you. With a dazzling blue and red suit, there's only one person it could be:


You gasp.

"Oh my god, you're Spider-Man," you breathe out, stating the obvious. Your eyes move over him, drinking in the details of the famous suit you've only previously seen through a pixelated screen. Somehow it's even cooler in person.

"Y-Yeah," comes the response, and you find your eyes screwing together. The voice sounds awfully familiar. "Sorry for stopping you, I don't want to hold you up, I just-" He breaks off in his explanation, and you watch as he slings his backpack from his back and begins to rummage through it. You stand there, almost enraptured, staring unabashedly at the figure renowned for saving New York from a scattering of horrors. God, your sister is going to be so jealous. "You look like you're chilly, and it's really cold, and I just thought- sorry, just- It's cold, you should take my jacket." And he thrusts a violently orange jacket into the air in front of you.

You blink a few times, trying to process this development. Spider-Man is offering you his jacket. The actual, real, Spider-Man. He just dropped out of the sky to keep you warm. What kind of cheesy film are you living in?

"Are- No, I can't take it," you manage, tripping over a few of your words as he stands up straight. "How am I supposed to give it back to you?"

Spider-Man scratches at his chin. "I can walk with you?" He offers, rocking back on his feet. Even through the suit, you can tell he's grown a little bashful. "If you're okay with that, of course."

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